Discussion sessions during training "News Skills For The Future Entrepreneur"

Denpasar - Sunday (11/03), Anisa Faiziah, a student of Indonesian Literature Faculty of Cultural Sciences Udayana University, who also works as a young entrepreneur Udayana, was following the training "News Skills For The Future Entrepreneur" at Albergo Del Pallone Hostel, Bologna Italy in February 19th-24th, 2018. The main purpose of this event is to empower young people and provide their ability to work with Neet (Not in Education, or Training), learn how to communicate and motivate Neets, create an organizational environment that can create youth, foster entrepreneurial spirit, and give support for becoming a social entrepreneur.

Anisa admitted that she was very lucky to be selected as one of entrepreneurship training participants held in Italy. For her, learning about entrepreneurship abroad is one of the most fortunate moments in her life.

"I am very happy to participate in this training in Italy, this is one of my dreams to study abroad even if only one week. But a lot of lessons that I got there especially in terms of entrepreneurship, "said Anisa.

Moreover, the woman who is often called Ica was the only youngest participant to represent Indonesia. She also admitted that the average other participants had graduated master degree, they also come from different countries such as India, Portugal, Spain, Greece, Italy and Indonesia.
"I was so lucky to be able to meet extraordinary people from various countries, and I am the youngest among them, they already passed their master degree, I am the only one who is still on progress of accomplishing bachelor degree, so we can share each other about entrepreneurship from various countries" said Ica.

Anisa Fauziah during the presentation in training "News Skills For The Future Entrepreneur"


Ica who has participated in the study exchange at the University of Indonesia also explained that to attain entrepreneurship training in Italy, she must fulfill some requirements by ACT Global, one of communities that she participated in.

"To participate in this event I have to attach CV and volunteer form, including there is a motivation letter as well, there were so many interviews including what has been done, and what will be done as entrepreneur, commitment, and of course the main requirements is already have a business. For foreign language, test or toefl attachment were not needed. We were just interviewed directly both formally and informally, so that is enough to be used as an assessment", said Ica again.

The series of training in Italy is done by lecture method, simulation, discussion, assignment and presentation. On this training, it explains that young people can bring changes to the environment by including Neets in the process, the simulation is done in a way how one is able to communicate effectively, while for presentation is each participant is given the opportunity to explain the role of young people in giving a positive impact for environment. (kezia)