The Visit of Management Study Program of Faculty Economy, Tridinanti Palembang

Denpasar, 14th of March 2016

Located in the PhD Hall Building, the Dean of Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Udayana represented by the Vice Dean I, Vice Dean III and the Chairman of the Department of Management welcomed the visit of the Job Training (PKL) of the students from Management Studies Program, Faculty of Economics, University of Tridinanti Palembang. The delegations of PKL, around 200 people, were led by the Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Mr. Saiful Tridinanti Palembang Sahri, SE., M.Sc. The Vice Dean, the chairman of the study program, lectures and students also participated in attending the PKL.

The event began with a welcome speech by the Vice Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Bussiness (FEB), Udayana University. In his speech, Vice Dean I was explaining about the existing of FEB Unud, primarily about the Study Programs. The Vice Dean I was expecting that the visit of PKL would be the first step in fostering cooperation between FEB and FE Tridinanti Unud.

The dean of Economics Faculty of Tridinanti Palembang, in his speech, expressed his gratitude for the welcoming event conducted by FEB of Udayana University. FEB Unud was chosen as a place to visit in the framework of activities of street vendors because FEB Udayana University has a reputation as a great faculty.

The event continued with the presentation of the curriculum and the learning process by the Chairman of the Department of Management, FEB, Unud followed by discussion. On that occasion FE Tridinanti gave some questions about the curriculum related to the Entrepreneurship, Corporate Budgeting, Quantitative Analysis and student activities. As a closing event, it was conducted by giving souvenir gift from both sides. (mimi)