Udayana University Holds Technical Guidance Closing Collaboration Classes and Preparing LAK for Teaching Practitioner Program 4

Denpasar - Udayana University (Unud) through the Student Affairs Bureau together with the Teaching Practitioner Program Management 4 held Technical Guidance on Preparing the Collaborative Final Report and Final Monitoring and Evaluation Activities of the Teaching Practitioner Program 4 at the Aston Hotel Denpasar, Wednesday (24/7/2024). This activity was opened by the Head of the Student Affairs Bureau representing the Vice Rector for Student Affairs and was attended by lecturers, the Head of the MBKM Unit, the Monitoring and Evaluation Team and representatives of Practitioners and Students.

Teaching Practitioner Lecturer Coordinator 4 Unud Putu Ratih Kumala Dewi, SH., M.Hub.Int in her report said that for batch 4 the program implementation ended on July 22 and Unud had 50 collaboration classes that passed and had been implemented. Of the 50 collaboration classes that passed, based on monitoring at the end of the implementation, there were four collaboration classes that had the potential to refund practitioners' honorariums because 12 hours were not met, where there was one class that was not held at all due to practitioners' busy schedules and three classes that did not meet 12 hours. For three classes whose hours are not met, the practitioner's honorarium will still be paid based on the hours realized.

The aim of implementing this Bimtek activity is to guide the lecturers in charge of the collaboration class to close the collaboration class and prepare the final report of the collaboration class. Then the final report that has been prepared via the platform by the lecturer will be checked by the lecturer coordinator to be generated, so that in the end the final university report can be generated.

"So the hope is that after today's technical guidance, the lecturers in charge of collaboration classes will have closed their collaboration classes and in the afternoon session the lecturer coordinators will be able to carry out inspections of the LAS that have been made by the lecturers in charge of collaboration classes," she said.

She also added that in the afternoon session, as part of preparing the PT's final report, a final monev was carried out for the implementation of the teaching practitioner program 4. At the final monev, practitioners, lecturers and students were invited to provide feedback on the implementation of the teaching practitioner program 4 and to find out the impact it had. from this program to each subject and study program.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Student Affairs Bureau, Drs. In his speech, I Ketut Kartika said that the Teaching Practitioner Program initiated by the Ministry of Education and Culture is a guide between academics and practitioners. We hope that students who graduate from Unud will be able to work. This needs to be balanced with practitioners so that they know what is needed by a company, which can speed up the absorption of graduates into the workforce. Teaching Practitioners are also part of the Rector's performance contract, namely at IKU 4 and IKU 7. The Head of the Bureau hopes that the teaching lecturers and coordinators will pay attention to the material presented by the resource person so that the objectives of this Bimtek can be achieved well.

This activity also presented speaker from the Ministry, namely the Manager of the Matchmaking Program for Teaching Practitioners and Independent Entrepreneurs, Dr. Nila Tristiarini, M.Si., CSRA who delivered material related to closing the collaboration class and preparing the final report. Apart from that, there was also a presentation of material from the Teaching Practitioner Lecturer Coordinator 4 Unud and the implementation of monitoring and evaluation phase 2 of the Teaching Practitioner Program with Ni Luh Putu Ari Sulatri, SS., M.Si as a speaker.

In her presentation, the speaker, Dr. Nila delivered material related to the guide for generating Collaboration Final Reports (LAK) and Closing Collaboration of Ongoing Classes in Lecturer Roles, guidance on generating Collaboration Final Reports (LAK) and Closing Collaboration of Non-running Classes in Lecturer Roles, guidelines for confirming the suitability of implementing the Lecturer Coordinator/PT Coordinator Role, and guidelines generate Final Higher Education Report (LAP) Role PT Coordinator.

This technical guidance ended with the implementation of monitoring and evaluation and submission of a report by the Monitoring and Evaluation Team after conducting interviews with representatives of practitioners, students and lecturers.