Udayana University Participates in the Indonesia-France Joint Working Group (JWG) XIII in 2024

Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation and Information at Udayana University (Unud) Prof. Dr. Dr. I Putu Gede Adiatmika, M.Kes was present at the "Joint Working Group (JWG) Indonesia-France XIII 2024" which took place at Surabaya State University (Unesa). In implementing this JWG, Udayana University participated in this exhibition which took place from July 2 to July 5 2024. This JWG, which takes place every two years, gathers hundreds of delegates in order to strengthen partnerships and discuss sustainable research and innovation between Indonesia and France.

Rector of Unesa, Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes., in his speech said, this forum is a form of strategic cooperation between the Indonesian and French governments in the field of education. This forum brings together officials, experts, higher education institutions and key actors related to the fields of higher education, research and innovation between the two countries. The Indonesia-France XIII JWG carries the theme "Fostering Indonesia-French Higher Education, Research, and Innovation Partnership for Advanced and Sustainable Future". This meeting is not only a place to share best practices, but also a platform to strengthen collaboration in various fields, including higher education and research.

This event was attended by around 350 experts, practitioners and stakeholders from Indonesia and France. The delegation that attended consisted of approximately 30 French universities and 48 Indonesian universities to strengthen connections and share collaborative experiences. Various activities were carried out during the JWG, consisting of plenary sessions, educational exhibitions, parallel discussions on partnerships in higher education and research, as well as thematic workshops. 

Secretary General of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Ir. Suharti, MA, Ph.D, said that the JWG, which is held every two years, is intended to strengthen Indonesia-France cooperation in the fields of education and culture. There were hundreds of delegations from two countries discussing the cooperation that had been carried out and planning cooperation that would be carried out in the future. Everything was discussed together by both parties.

Suharti added, through JWG, the good cooperation between Indonesia and France that has been established so far can become stronger. Collaboration between universities and research institutions in two countries could become stronger. Through this collaboration, it is hoped that the process and results (output and outcomes) of education will be of higher quality and that more research results can be used in the two countries. This aspect of cooperation through the JWG is focused on what is needed for national development. "So our priority is to focus on realizing a Golden Indonesia 2045," she said. 

This JWG is a momentum to strengthen the MBKM program. The French government has opened the doors to higher education and research in France to accept Indonesian students studying there through the MBKM program, one of which is IISMA and IISMAVO. 

Meanwhile, the French Ambassador to Indonesia, Fabien Penone, expressed his pleasure at being able to concrete the cooperation, especially in the field of education. “Programs such as student exchange are certainly very important for the two countries. "We hope that many Indonesian students will come and study on our campus, and vice versa," he said. 

Fabien Penone emphasized that the JWG keyword is strengthening the long-standing partnership between Indonesia and France in the fields of technology and agriculture. However, this time, the collaboration is focused on answering the latest challenges in the education sector, including the digital economy and social sciences. 

“We strongly believe that what we are building through this collaboration is very important for the transformation of education and the acceleration of development in the two countries. "Because of that urgency, we involved many delegates in this JWG," said Fabien Penone.

In implementing this JWG, Udayana University also had the opportunity to meet directly with new partners from France, The Ecole Pratique Des Hautes Etudes (EPHE-PSL) and carry out a symbolic signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), in this case represented by the Vice Rector for Cooperation Planning and the Director EPHE-PSL International Affairs. This collaboration with France is an initiation from the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Unud. Collaboration between both parties in the context of research and collaboration in other academic fields.