Bina Desa Sibangkaja Udayana University Together with MBKM Mandiri DPC PERADI Holds Legal Seminar Regarding Marriage and Divorce

A Legal Seminar Regarding Marriage and Divorce has been held with the theme "Revitalizing Community Legal Awareness: The Urgency of Understanding Marriage from a Legal Perspective in Sibangkaja Village" located at Wantilan Pura Dalem, Lambing Sibangkaja Traditional Village, organized by MBKM Bina Desa Sibangkaja, Udayana University in collaboration with MBKM Mandiri DPC PERADI Denpasar on Saturday (08/06/2024).

The Seminar on Marriage and Divorce was attended by all Village Officials, Chair and Members of the Sibangkaja BPD, Sibangkaja Traditional Village Bench, Lambing Traditional Village Bench, Babinkamtibmas, Babinsa, Sibangkaja LPM Management, Chair and Members of the TP PKK, Sibangkaja Kartar Management, as well as representatives of their respective STTs. each banjar in Sibangkaja Village. Apart from that, this event also provided coordination and support with Negari Village Development, Belok/Sidan Village Development, and Darmasaba Village Development as a form of implementation of the mandatory work program from the Faculty of Law.

In this event, there were 2 speakers, namely a lecturer at the Faculty of Law, Udayana University (A.A. Istri Eka Krisna Yanti, S.H., M.H.) and an advocate from DPC PERADI Denpasar (Diah Fitriani, S.H., M.H.). First presentation with material on Balinese Traditional Family Law & Marriage Agreements which discusses what marriage is, marriage requirements, legality of marriage, adoption of children, divorce arrangements and legal consequences, how divorce works in Bali, marital assets, marriage agreements, and the urgency of the Marriage Agreement itself .

Then, it continues with the second material regarding divorce which discusses the meaning and legal basis, prevention efforts, whether mediation is possible before going to court, case studies of divorce attempts that were canceled, divorce requirements and required documents, as well as problems that practitioners often encounter in handling cases. .

Of course, the implementation of this Legal Seminar Regarding Marriage and Divorce began with suggestions from the local Perbekel and Kelian Adat who conveyed the need for action regarding divorce cases in Sibangkaja Village which still need to be enlightened from a legal perspective and if you look at the existing data, divorce in Sibangkaja Village is quite frequent. happen. Therefore, this seminar provides education regarding prevention and what solutions can be done regarding one of the problems in Sibangkaja Village, especially for young people so they can make the right decisions before getting married and prevent divorce.