Udayana University Together with Pertamina Foundation Holds Outreach for the 2024 PFMuda Social Project Competition

Rector of Udayana University (Unud), Prof. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana, opened and gave a speech at the 2024 PFMuda Social Project Competition Socialization activity, on Thursday (30/5/2024) at the Udayana University Library Hall. This activity was organized by the Pertamina Foundation and coordinated by the Udayana University Student Affairs Bureau.

In his remarks, the Rector of Udayana University expressed his gratitude to the Pertamina Foundation for the opportunity given to hear directly about the activities of the PFMuda Social Innovation Project Competition program for Indonesian Young People. He hopes that this socialization can provide information and trigger the enthusiasm of Udayana University students to be able to work and provide ideas, especially in the field of innovative social projects which can later contribute to solving community problems.

At the end of his speech he also hoped that the implementation of this activity could run well and that the proposals that would be submitted by Udayana University students could meet the requirements and conditions of the Pertamina Foundation so that funding and assistance could be provided.

Yulis S. Bulo, as Director of Operations of the Pertamina Foundation, in his speech said that the PFMuda Social Project Competition Activity is a place to compete for ideas from young Indonesians to solve social and community problems/issues around them. PT. Pertamina (Persero) through the Pertamina Foundation opens opportunities for all young people, young lecturers and other young people under 35 years of age to send ideas regarding handling social problems in society.

This socialization activity presented the Vice Rector for Student Affairs, Prof. Ketut Sudarsana, a team from the Udayana University Student Affairs Bureau, as well as participants from the Udayana University academic community. This activity was also filled with Success Stories from PFMuda, namely the OASE Project and Jyoti.