Udayana University Socializes Class 8 and MSIB Class 7 Teaching Campus Programs

The Udayana University (Unud) Student Affairs Bureau held a socialization of the Class 8 Teaching Campus program and Class 7 Certified Independent Study and Internship (MSIB) program which was held online via the Zoom Meeting application, Tuesday (21/05/2024). This socialization was carried out in the context of registration for the Teaching Campus and MSIB programs which have been opened to students.

Head of Evaluation and Quality Assurance Division of MBKM Unud Ni Luh Putu Ari Sulastri, S.S., M.Sc. In his speech while opening this socialization activity, he expressed his thanks to the participants who attended this socialization activity, even though it was carried out online. There is great hope that through this socialization, understanding or things that are not clear in the registration process for both the Teaching Campus and MSIB programs will be better understood so that we can participate actively in these activities later.

Apart from that, thanks were also expressed to the resource persons who were willing to take the time to share with students at Udayana University. "Hopefully this activity will bring benefits and many things can be learned or will be clearer about the registration process or implementation of the Teaching Campus and MSIB programs later," said the Head of Evaluation and Quality Assurance.

This socialization activity presented two resource persons, namely Muhammad Rafli Anggara as the Stakeholder Relations Team for the Teaching Campus Program and Inayah Putri Wulandari, S.IP. as the University Relations Team for the MSIB Independent Campus Program.