Udayana University Student Affairs Bureau Holds Guidance for Students Recipient of Higher Education Affirmation and KIP College Scholarships

The Student Affairs Bureau of Udayana University (Unud) organizes Guidance for Students Recipients of Higher Education Affirmation and KIP Lecture Scholarships located in the Nation Room, Rectorate Building, Unud Bukit Jimbaran Campus. This activity was officially opened by the Vice Rector for Student Affairs, Prof. Ir. I Ketut Sudarsana, ST., Ph.D., and attended by the Head of the Student Affairs Bureau, Student Welfare Coordinator, as well as students who received scholarships. Friday, (17/5/24). This activity also included material presentations from the Chair of the Unud Scholarship Unit, Dewa Pradnya Yustiawan, SH., MH and the Chair of the Counseling Services Unit, Komang Rahayu Indrawati, S.PSi., M.Si.

Unud Student Welfare Coordinator Ketut Desi Anggraeni Sulistiawati, SE, MM in her report said that the aim of this activity is to assist students so they can graduate on time, namely 8 semesters with a cumulative achievement index that is in accordance with the provisions. This activity was attended by 83 people from the Affirmation Scholarship and 28 people from the KIP Kuliah scholarship.

"We will routinely carry out activities like this every semester to find out or monitor the extent of the academic progress of students who receive Affirmation and KIP College scholarships and we will report the results of this activity directly to the Education Financing Service Center," said the Student Welfare Coordinator.

Meanwhile, the Vice Rector for Student Affairs, Prof. Ketut Sudarsana said, by carrying out this activity, it can be observed that several recipients of the Higher Education Affirmation Scholarship and KIP Lectures from Papua and 3T really need to pay close attention, therefore they must continue to be monitored so that later what they hope for can be realized, such as completing their studies within the period predetermined time. Therefore, a counseling unit was introduced to provide guidance so that it would be easier for them to interact with their friends and also be able to complete their studies on time.

Apart from that, students' academic progress in each semester is continuously monitored, both in terms of GPA and the number of courses they have passed. By being present at this activity, it is hoped that they will be noticed so that their enthusiasm for learning and improving themselves can grow again, therefore it is necessary to regularly carry out monitoring from the academic side and also provide meetings as is currently being done.