Udayana University Holds Technical Guidance for K3 Competency Testing in the Field of Chemistry and Dissemination of Laboratory Innovation Work

In the context of K3 competency in the field of Chemistry, Udayana University (Unud) Educational Laboratory Staff (PLP) held Technical Guidance (Bimtek) which aims to improve the competency of Educational Laboratory Staff and Laboratory Technicians in the Udayana University environment which took place in the Nation Room, Udayana University Rectorate Building, Wednesday (29/11/2023).

This event was attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Animal Husbandry, the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, the Board of Trustees of Educational Laboratory Institutions (PLP), and PLPs at Udayana University.

The Chairman of PLP Unud in his report said that this competency test is one of the requirements for promotion, so the implementation of Bimtek is important for PLP members to be able to take the PLP Competency Test.

Meanwhile, the Head of the General Bureau of Udayana University, in opening this event, gave his appreciation to the PLPs who had contributed to achieving achievements, such as passing competency tests and winning grants. It is hoped that this will be a motivation for other PLP members.

This activity presented 3 speakers, namely (1) Gede Wiranata, S.Si., M., Si, who delivered Technical Guidance material regarding the K3 Competency Test in the Field of Chemistry, (2) IB Ketut Widnyana Toga, S.TP., M. Si from the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, and (3) Andi Udin Saransi, S.TP., M.Pt from the Faculty of Animal Husbandry.

Apart from Bimtek, this event was also coupled with the dissemination of the 2023 Dikti Laboratory Innovation Work (Kilab), which on this occasion was delivered by IB Ketut Widnyana Yoga, S.TP., M.Sc who delivered the 2023 Dissemination of the 2023 Dikti Laboratory Innovation Work (Kilab) with title Isolation of Chlorophyll a and b in Gardenia Leaf Extract as a Standard for Total Chlorophyll Analysis and Andi Udin Saransi, S.TP., M.Pt who presented the results of the Dikti Kilab entitled Modification of Crude Fiber Analysis using the Reflux Method.