Udayana University Releases Students to Join IISMA and ICT Program 2021

The International Affairs Office (KUI) of Udayana University will hold the 2021 Indonesia International Student Mobility Awards (IISMA) and 2021 International Credit Transfer (ICT) events which will take place online through the Zoom Meeting application, Thursday (23/09/2021).

Starting the release ceremony, the Coordinator of KUI Unud, Dr. eng. Ni Nyoman Pujianiki,ST.,MT.,M.Eng., reported that for 2021 Unud will release 14 students to take part in the IISMA program and 10 students to take part in the 2021 ICT program. The KUI Coordinator hopes that Unud can send more students to join the program in 2022.

Junaidi as the IISMA Dikti Working Group was also present at this release event. In his speech he said that the IISMA program was designed as a mutual cooperation program for all universities. Students as future leaders are expected to have international experience and broad knowledge. For student selection in 2022, it is expected that the Rector will provide full support for student interest in participating in the IISMA selection.

Representing the Rector of Udayana University, the Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation, and Information Prof. Dr. dr. I Putu Gede Adiatmika, M.Kes., congratulated the students who have passed the 2021 IISMA and ICT selection. This is a great pride for Udayana University, and it is hoped that in 2022 more UNUD students will be accepted in this prestigious program , thus boasting the name of the University in the international realm. The message from the Rector of Udayana University to students who have passed the selection is that as the best UNUD ambassador, it is hoped that they will be able to make the name of universities abroad proud.