BARI (Research and Innovation Agency) Bali Province Visits FMIPA UNUD

Wednesday, March 16, 2022, the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Udayana University received a visit from BARI (Badan Riset dan Inovasi - Research and Innovation Agency) of Bali Province to discuss the continuation of cooperation between FMIPA UNUD and BARI. The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, represented by the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Udayana University, Dra. Ni Luh Watiniasih, M.Sc, Ph.D., Vice Dean 1, Vice Dean2, Vice Dean3, Head of Administration and the Sub Coordinators within the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Unud produced several things, namely:

  1. In collaboration with the Balinese Aksara Keyboard product, the provincial government has planned to distribute the Balinese Akasari Keyboard to high schools. However, basically, it cannot be separated from only keyboard products in MIPA, there are also quite a number of downstream products, one of which is herbal medicines, tea, brown rice, etc.
  2. Intellectual property management and research management carried out by BARI aims to follow up on research that has been realized in accordance with the expectations of the Governor of Bali, namely Nangun Satkerthi Loka Bali. The production of Balinese script keyboards has been facilitated, just waiting for verification. As one of the bodies for IPR, especially the Balinese script keyboard, the rights were increased for the Provincial Government and Udayana University.
  3. There needs to be an MOU for parties related to universities. From 2020 – 2021, 120 HKI have been verified.
  4. This patent application collaboration (involving more than 1 party) has only been implemented for the first time so it takes a long process with back and forth documents.
  5. Downstream and collaboration like this need to be continued because this is a new model. The Governor suggested that this keyboard be distributed to Balinese printers.
  6. The outreach has been carried out to SMA to find out the number of people who will need the Balinese Akasara Keyboard. The Bali printing press is responsible for distributing and there are vendors, but vendors need an MOU. Because it is a research that has been recorded at LPPM, it may need to be re-explored so that this collaboration is in MIPA so that it can be claimed.
  7. The MOU is expected to be between institutions: the Bali Provincial Government and Vendors with Udayana University. However, the Cooperation Agreement (PKS) can be carried out between the MIPA Faculties with BARI and Vendors.
  8. For a patent application that has been registered, it's just a matter of waiting for an examination of the substance, related to the MOU and PKS for more detail.

The visit ended with a hope that all the planned collaborations could be carried out well.