Inscribe Critical Thinking of Young People as the Basis for Writing Law Journals

Author: Organizing Committee of CLC Writing Class | Editor: UPIKS Team FH UNUD

Denpasar, - The CLC Writing Class Vol. 2 2023 activity took place on Sunday (10/12/2023). This CLC Writing Class focuses on training and exposure to writing law journal articles with the theme "Incise Critical Thinking of Young People as a Basis for Writing Law Journals."

CLC Writing Class Vol. 2 invited 2 (two) speakers: I Gusti Ayu Stefani Ratna Maharani, S.H., M.H. (Lecturer of FH UNUD and editor of Kertha Wicara Journal) and Cokorda Istri Kirana Pramesti (active student of FH UNUD). This training aims to introduce students to the preparation of legal research journal articles, from how to prepare to publication. The participants were invited to practice preparing journal articles by the facilitators.