UNUD Code of Ethics and Advocacy Clinic Holds Socialization and Consultation Activities Related to FMD Prevention in Denpasar City Community

Author: FH UNUD Code of Ethics and Advocacy Clinic Team | Editor: UPIKS Team FH UNUD

Denpasar, FLUNUD.ac.id - Sunday (24/09/2023) at the Niti Mandala Renon Field in Denpasar, the Ethics and Advocacy Clinic Team in collaboration with the Judicial Commission of the Republic of Indonesia (KY RI) and FH UNUD held Community Service activities in the form of Socialization and providing Consultation related to Prevention of Degrading Acts of Honor and Dignity of Judges (PMKH). This Community Service activity is a series of follow-up activities from the Udayana University Code of Ethics and Advocacy Clinic which has previously completed study classes and carried out observation activities of judicial institutions (laboratory stage) as part of the FH UNUD Code of Ethics and Advocacy Clinic Program in 2023.

This Socialization and Consultation activity was carried out by focusing on the issue of preventing Degrading Judges' Honor (PMKH) by targeting the Denpasar city community as a service target. Socialization is carried out by a team of students and mentors of the Code of Ethics and Advocacy Clinic with various supporting media such as posters, banners, flayers, giving stickers and various other supporting media. 

In addition, in this service activity, the UNUD Ethics and Advocacy Clinic team also provided direct consultation to the Denpasar city community who were interested in knowing more about FMD from various related aspects. The socialization and consultation activities of the UNUD Ethics and Advocacy Clinic Team went smoothly accompanied by various responses of public interest related to PMKH. Also present to accompany students in the implementation of socialization and consultation, the entire Ethics and Advocacy Clinic mentor team, namely the lecturer team at the Lab / Procedural Law Section of FH UNUD.