FH UNUD Organizes Workshop on Improvement and Development of Tendik Competence

Author: UPIKS Team FH UNUD | Editor: Md Suksma PDS

Denpasar, FLUNUD.ac.id - A Workshop on Improving and Developing the Competence of Education Personnel in Service Governance at the Faculty Level Work Unit was held by FH UNUD on Friday (25/08/2023) at the Grand Mirah Hotel, Denpasar. The event was opened directly by the Vice Dean II FH UNUD (Prof. Dr. A.A. Istri Ari Atu Dewi, S.H., M.H) and attended by the Coordinator, Sub-Coordinator and all FH UNUD tendik.

This workshop presented 3 speakers, namely: Head of UNUD General Bureau (Ni Made Pertami Susilawati, S.E., M.M) with material on Civil Servant Discipline, Dr. I Made Adi Surya Pradnya, S.Ag., M.Fil.H provides material on Mindfullness-Based Faculty Services and Governance and Nuning Indah Pratiwi, S.Sos., M.I.Kom, CPS. The material is entitled Service Excellence and Public Speaking Training. The purpose of holding a workshop for the tendik FH UNUD is to provide refreshment, increase competence in service and of course support the national and international accreditation of FH UNUD towards superior accreditation.