Reconstructive and Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Specialist Study Program Celebrates World Plastic Surgery Day 2023 with a Visiting Lecture and Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Symposium.

Reconstructive and Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Specialist Study Program Celebrates World Plastic Surgery Day 2023 with a Visiting Lecture and Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Symposium.

In order to celebrate World Plastic Surgery Day 2023 which falls on July 15 2023, the Reconstructive and Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Specialist Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University/RSUP Prof. Dr.I.G.N.G. Ngoerah organized a Visiting Lecture and Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Symposium.

The purpose of holding this event is to be able to provide new insights about Aesthetic Plastic Surgery for students and lecturers, as well as help improve the quality of education and services in the field of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. Through this activity, students and lecturers will be able to gain new knowledge and experience from experts and practitioners of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery both from abroad and Indonesia. Thus, it is hoped that students and lecturers will be more prepared and competent in dealing with technological developments and the latest trends in the field of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.

The event began with remarks by the Coordinator of the Reconstructive and Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Study Program, Dr.dr. I Nyoman Putu Riasa, Sp.B.P.R.E., Subsp.L.B.L.(K), Coordinator for Medical Services at Prof. Dr. I.G.N.G. Ngoerah, dr. I Gusti Agung Ayu Kusuma Arini, MARS representing Plt. Director of RSUP Prof. Dr. I.G.N.G. Ngoerah and opened by the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, Dr. dr. Komang Januartha Putra Pinatih, M.Kes. After opening, the event continued with the introduction of the new members of PERAPI for the Bali-NTB-NTT Region by the Secretary of PERAPI for the Bali-NTB-NTT Region, dr. Putu Trisna Utami, Sp.B.P.R.E., Subsp.K.M.(K).

The first scientific session was a Visiting Lecture by Dr. Mansoor Mirkazemi, B Med Sci MBBS FRACS (Plas), a Plastic and Cosmetic Surgeon from Victorian Plastic Surgery United, Australia who presented the topic of Breast Reconstruction. The next session was continued with the Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Symposium which discussed various topics of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery as well as discussion of very interesting cases by Indonesian Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons.