Public Lecture on the Transformation of Udayana University into PTNBH, Presenting the Acting Director General of Diktistek as Resource Person

Jimbaran - Udayana University (Unud) held a Public Lecture entitled "Transformation of Udayana University into a Legal Entity State University" at the Widya Sabha Auditorium Building, Jimbaran Campus, Monday (30/10/2023). The Public Lecture was opened by the Plt Rector of Unud by presenting two speakers, namely the Acting Director General of Higher Education, Research and Technology Prof. Ir. Nizam, M.Sc., DIC., Ph.D., IPU, ASEAN.Eng and Acting Secretary of the Directorate General of Higher Education, Research and Technology Prof. Tjitjik Srie Tjahjandarie, Ph.D. as well as moderator Prof. Dr. drh. Nyoman Sadra Dharmawan, MS. This Public Lecture was attended by leaders within Unud, Professors, Lecturers, Staff and Students.

Head of the Unud PTNBH Team, Prof. Ir. Nyoman Semadi Antara, MP., Ph.D in his report said that the PTNBH process had started in April 2022 and had carried out a study regarding the feasibility of transforming Unud from BLU to PTNBH. From the results of this study, Unud is suitable for transformation, although there are still a few shortcomings but they can be corrected so that later they can go to PTNBH. He hopes that the PTNBH Team will be enthusiastic about working so that what is hoped for can be achieved and make Unud go in a more advanced direction and accelerate towards globalization, internationalization, not inferior to other universities in Indonesia. Through this Public Lecture, the resource persons will provide material related to the transformation from PTN BLU to PTN BH and they hope that this can be a morale booster.

Plt Rector of Unud Prof. Ir. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana, MT., Ph.D., IPU in his speech said that PTN-BH status was a necessity. This is a policy from the Minister of Education and Culture which is oriented towards efforts to increase the independence of a PTN in the context of providing higher education. However, this does not mean that all PTNs can easily transform into PTN-BH. Based on the provisions of Article 65 of Law Number 12 of 2012 concerning Higher Education, it is known that the ministry is very selective in providing space for a PTN to carry out higher education autonomy under the PTN-BH argument. Considering that the status of PTN-BH is purely aimed at forming and producing quality higher education, it is necessary to study the readiness and maturity of PTNs that wish to transform into PTN-BH.

The series of preparations that have been carried out are an effort to show Unud's suitability for transforming into PTN-BH, which of course is also equipped with various valid supporting documents. Through this opportunity, the Plt Rector also gave a brief overview of the progress of Unud's efforts to transform towards PTN-BH.

"Hopefully after this public lecture takes place, all public lecture participants who have attended offline and online will have comprehensive knowledge about the essence of PTN-BH for Unud, the benefits of PTN-BH for Unud, and Unud's strategy in facing challenges after transforming PTN-BH ," said Prof. Ngakan.

Prof. Nizam in his material said that our challenges are very big and we must build quality universities to produce competitive human resources who are ready to build their future towards a golden Indonesia which is our common goal. The World Megatrend Challenge of 2045 is currently happening and really requires our readiness, the birth of technology will replace many jobs and we have to transform quickly which is difficult to do with the frame of universities as Working Units so we have to make universities more autonomous and independent. law so that it is better prepared to face these rapid changes. Prof. Nizam said that the keys to PTNBH's success are Leadership, Ownership (a high sense of ownership, corporate spirit), Organization (lean and efficient, poor structure, rich in function), Transformation (culture and mindset, from lifeboat to mother ship), Efficiency (resources, organizations and programs), Entrepreneurship (in all lines), Collaboration (internal and external) and Creativity (continuing to innovate).

Meanwhile Prof. Tjitjik in his material conveyed the technical position of Unud for readiness to become PTNBH which includes three aspects, namely PTNBH and its autonomy, PTNBH quality and PTNBH preparation. It was further stated that the context of PTNBH is actually quality. PTNBH has autonomy not only in the academic field, but also human resources, finance and development. In his material, Prof. Tjitjik also conveyed the potential and analytics of PTNBH Unud.