Denpasar - Faculty of Cultural Sciences (FIB) Udayana University held the 8 th Seminar on Indonesian Language and Literature of Austronesians and Non-Austronesians in 2017, Friday (15/09/2017) at Auditorium Widya Sabha Mandala Prof. Dr. Ida Bagus Mantra Campus FIB Denpasar. The seminar was coupled with FIB's 59th Anniversary, the 36th BKFIB and the 55th Dies Natalis Udayana University following the retirement of Prof. Dr. Aron Meko Mbete who has retired.

Chairman of the Committee, Ni Ketut Widya Purnawati, SS., M.Hum conveyed the theme of the seminar  was "Diaspora Languages ​​Austronesian and Non-Austronesian in Indonesia". The seminar was attended by 151 speakers with a total of 130 papers. The speakers came from five countries namely Germany, Australia, Korea, China and Indonesia. As a key speaker in this international seminar was Dr. Sonja Riesberg that is affiliated with two institutions namely University of Cologne German and Australian Research Council, Center of Excellence Dynamics in Language, Australia. Other speakers who attended the seminar were Dr. Cho, Tae-Young from Korean Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Prof. Dr. Oktavianus, M. Hum from University of Andalas Padang, Prof. Dr. Francis Bustan, M. Hum from University of Nusa Cendana and Prof. Dr. Aron Meko Mbete from Udayana University.

(Dean of FIB, Prof. Dr. Ni Luh Sutjiati Beratha, MAwhen delivering the speech)

Dean of FIB, Prof. Dr. Ni Luh Sutjiati Beratha, MA in her speech conveyed the theme which has taken in this seminar was very important in understanding the relationship of languages that are related and non-kinship belonging to both Austronesian and non-Austronesian families. Language equality is an important feature inherited by Austronesian speakers spread from Madagascar. Experts have identified the common features of Austronesian and Non-Austronesian speakers despite cultural interactions and changes over the centuries. Further Prof. Sutjiati Beratha explained the features of Austronesian speakers that need to be discussed in this seminar. Furthermore Dean expressed appreciation to all parties who have contributed in the implementation of this seminar.

(Rector of Unud, Prof. Dr. dr. A A. Raka Sudewi, Sp.S (K) when delivering the speech)

Rector of Unud, Prof. Dr. dr. A A. Raka Sudewi, Sp.S (K) in her speech expressed her appreciation to the seminar organizers and special appreciation to Prof. Aron Meko Mbete who has entered the service for his dedication to Unud. This seminar is one of the scientific activities in developing science, and is expected to develop various languages both Austronesia and Non-Austronesian because language is an indispensable part of Indonesia's cultural wealth. The seminar is also expected to produce scientific works to develop and advance language and literature. At the same event, the retirement was also held for Prof. Dr. Aron Meko Mbete which was marked by the launch of a book entitled Rona Languages that presented by FIB Unud. (PR)

(The seminar was attended by 151 speakers with a total of 130 papers. The speakers came from five countries namely Germany, Australia, Korea, China and Indonesia)

(The launch of a book entitled Rona Languages that presented by FIB Unud to Prof. Dr. Aron Meko Mbete that has entered the retirement period)