(foto bersama: Seminar Nasional Pelapisan Ulang Perkerasan Jalan, Kamis (31/08/2017) dalam rangka Badan Kekeluargaan Fakultas Teknik (BKFT) ke-52)

Bukit Jimbaran - Faculty of Engineering Udayana University held a National Seminary on Re-coated Road Pavement  on Thursday (31/08/2017) in the framework of the Badan Kekeluargaan Fakultas Teknik (BKFT) 52nd at Wiswa Karma Hall, Faculty of Engineering Bukit Jimbaran Campus. This seminar was aimed at maintaining the harmony of environmental elevation along the road, so it is necessary to conduct recycling in the form of long road pavement rolling before coating / overlay of the road.

The seminar presented the speakers from the Provincial Public Works Office of Bali with the topic " Kebijakan Pemprov Bali Dalam Daur Ulang Perkerasan Jalan " and resource persons from Balai Besar Pelaksanaan Jalan Nasional VIII Jatim-Bali with the topic " Daur Ulang Jalan di Indonesia ". Besides the speakers from the government element, the seminar also presented academics such as Prof. Ir. I Nyoman Arya Thanaya, ME with topic " Dilema dan Pemanfaatan Hasil Garukan Perkerasan Jalan Lama” and Prof. Dr. Ir. Putu Rumawan Salain, MT with topic " Dampak Budaya dan Lingkungan Terkait Pelapisan Ulang Perkerasan Jalan di Bali ".

Dean of Faculty of Engineering Unud, Prof. Ir. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana, MT., Ph.D in his speech delivered this forum as one of the efforts to discuss the problems that faced by the community which related to pavement/overlay which has been done by coating and coating so that the road surface elevation is increasing which impact in the drowning of people's homes, shops, markets due to the differences the elevation which become bigger and higher.

Furthermore Prof. Ngakan Suardana conveyed to avoid that we can follow the developed countries that do Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement. One method that can be used is the recycling method that is an effort to optimize the reuse of old material into new pavement material is much stronger. The concept is also known as "New Roads from Old”, in addition to more economical as well as environmentally friendly. Prof. Ngakan hopes the government can seek funding and support for follow-up of this activity.

The seminar is expected to provide a review of the impact of pavement/overlay implementation, discuss the possibility of long road pavement recycling / rolling before overlapping and pursue the technical and management system of old pavement scavengers as alternative natural aggregate replacement materials. (PR)