Dr. I Nyoman Suyatna, SH., MH, the Vice Rector III Unud when Opened the National Seminar about Emergency In Wildlife

Denpasar – Saturday (01/04), The last few months, there have been some natural disasters, which directly impact on the lives and health of wildlife. The active role of the veterinarian is needed in the handling of this case. In this regard, students of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine who joined the Professional Interests Wildlife of Rothschildi dedicate a national seminar entitled "Emergency in Wildlife" held at Udayana University in the Post-Graduate Building.

The seminar, which was attended by seven national and international speakers who come from Malaysia and Singapore took place over two days (01/04 and 02/04). The purpose of this activity was to add insight and knowledge for prospective vets, especially students, as well as in conducting handlers, health and wildlife preservation.

"This seminar is very important, especially in order to give attention to the preservation and wild animal health. Bali can be used as an example of an effort in the preservation of wildlife. Every seven months, we do the tumpek kandang activity, as one form of our attention to the animals and to teach how to coexist with the environment around us. I really appreciated this activity. Science is different from other knowledge. Which means that the science was not enough just to do in the laboratory that is known only by professors or by specialists only. But all of this we must develop and socialize one of which is with this seminar," said Dr. I Nyoman Suyatna, SH., MH, the Vice Rector III Unud while giving a speech.

The Presentation of the Material by drh. Slamet Raharjo. MP., the Lecturer of FKH UGM.

Moreover, the Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Udayana University, Dr. DVM. I Nyoman Adi Suratma, MP revealed that, nowadays the humans and animals pollution has been exceptional, which causes the habitats of wild animals began to be pressed so that the physiological and non-physiological changes happened. In addition, there are a lot of disease cases originating from wild animals and the human disease is also transmitted by wild animals, how we can reduce the occurrence of the transmission of wildlife to domestic as well as to human beings, the second is how do we keep preservation-conservation of the wild animals.

It is no doubt about the wildlife that growth is no longer as usual. The existence and the state of wild animals at the present time can be said to be in the threshold of concern. Poaching, deforestation and natural disasters become a major factor. This is his emergency. Hence, the importance for the wildlife lover role is needed. Student as the future generation is expected to have the sensitivity and the ability to preserve the existence of wildlife. (mimi)