Anniversary of Faculty of Animal Husbandry UNUD is in line with the 53rd anniversary of Udayana University. Therefore, they are celebrated simultaneously. One of the activities held was the Birds and Reptiles Contests “Unud Open Cup”.

It was also collaborated with social service activities of Magister and Doctoral Program Study in Husbandry Science of Postgraduate Program of Udayana University.  The songbird contest of Unud Open Cup this year was done for the first time, while reptiles contest was done for the fourth time. It was held on Sunday, September 13, 2015 taking place in the parking area of Agro Complex Building, Sudirman Campus Denpasar.

The birds contest was welcomed by participants. At least 600 people joined it. Birds being contested are those which are good at chirping. They are even very expensive, hundreds of millions rupiah. Besides, there is a bird cage of which it is made of elephant ivory costs up to 125 million rupiah.

According to Mat Jagger Kuabe, the Event Organizer, the contest was very prestigious since it seized a Rector Trophy, which was then awaited by the bird mania. Based on the agreement made with the coordinator of social service committee of anniversary of Udayana University, Prof. Dr. Ir. Komang Budaarsa, MS, the bird contest will be an annual event.

The bird species that were contested include 25 species, such as punglor, murai merah, murai hijau, murai batu, kacer, cucak hijau, cendet, and the like. In each class session about 30 cages were contested, and then assessed by the professional juries. When the cage was raised spontaneously the owner was calling the birds from outside of fence. Then, the birds replied it with relentless. The voice was rumbling, more boisterous than tajen arena.

The contest was started at 10 a.m, and ended at 4 p.m. As the grand champion went to the bird community from Gianyar and deserved to get the Rector Trophy. The bird lovers, who come from the rich and mostly carried the birds out with luxury cars, seemed satisfied.

Moreover, reptile was contested in 12 classes, from open python, normal open python, and open gecko to open lizard lizaryuk agan. The participants were not only from Bali, but also from Lombok Reptile Community. The interesting thing from reptile contest was that a quite big albino pythons joined in the contest. They are very tame. The audience, that looked scared before, were finally in scramble to take pictures with friendly pythons.

The contest suggested that people, both in campus and out campus, should preserve the animals being parts of our lives as stipulated in the motto banner “recognize, love, and preserve”.

Head of Doctoral Study Program of Husbandry Science, Prof. Dr. Ir.I Gede Mahardika, MS and his secretary, Prof. Dr. Ir. Komang Budaarsa, MS, handed the Rector Trophy to the champion from Gianyar Community. (NE)