Udayana University Gelgel Village Development Holds Public Consultation on Draft Village Regulations

Friday (7/06/2024), MBKM Bina Desa Gelgel Udayana University held a Public Consultation on Draft Village Regulations on Village Levies and Draft Village Regulations on Contributions to Villages in Gelgel Village which was held at the Gelgel Village Perbekel Office, Klungkung District, Klungkung Regency, Province Bali. This activity presented 2 (two) speakers from the Bali Province Ministry of Law and Human Rights and the Klungkung Regency Government Legal Department. Apart from that, this activity was also attended by Field Development Assistant Lecturers in Gelgel Village, Perbekel, the Chairman of the BPD and his staff as well as community leaders in Gelgel Village.

This activity began with remarks by Prof. Dr. Anak Agung Istri Ari Atu Dewi, S.H., M.H as Field Assistant Lecturer for Gelgel Village Development, which was then continued by I Wayan Sudiantara as Head of Gelgel Village in giving a speech and opening this Public Consultation activity.

The event continued with the presentation of the Draft Village Regulations regarding Village Levies and Village Contributions presented by Gelgel Village Development students, followed by a question and answer session from the invitees. After the presentation session of the two Draft Village Regulations, the Public Consultation activity ended.

This Public Consultation aims to inform community leaders and the public as well as discuss ways to improve the drafting of the two Draft Village Regulations. Prof. Dr. Anak Agung Istri Ari Atu Dewi, S.H., M.H as the Gelgel Village Field Development Assistant Lecturer hopes that these two Draft Village Regulations can provide benefits to the village, both levies to increase Village Original Income and contributions for business actors to Gelgel Village.