Udayana University Receives a Visit from the Business Competition Supervisory Commission (KPPU)

Rector of Udayana University (Unud) Prof. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana received a visit from the Chairman of the Business Competition Supervisory Commission (KPPU) Fanshurullah Asa at the Jimbaran Campus Rectorate Building, Wednesday (29/5/2024). Also present on the occasion was Head of Regional Office IV KPPU Dendy R. Sutrisno. 

Chairman of KPPU Fanshurullah Asa or who is familiarly called Ifan on this occasion introduced a glimpse of KPPU. There is already an MoU between KPPU and Udayana University but its validity period expires on September 28 2023 and there is already one PKS with the Faculty of Law which ends this year.

Through this opportunity, the Chairman of the KPPU also expressed his desire to establish cooperation with the Faculty of Engineering, in which he assessed that up to now the KPPU has paid little attention to the construction sector, while PKS has only collaborated with the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Economics. For this reason, the Chairman of the KPPU also wants to collaborate with the Faculty of Engineering, especially regarding the construction sector. The Chairman of the KPPU hopes that there will be momentum to implement the extension of the MoU with Udayana University. 

There are two laws that oversee the KPPU, namely Law number 5 of 1999 regarding monopolistic practices and unfair business competition and Law number 20 of 2008 regarding partnerships. The chairman of the KPPU also said that his party has plans to form liaison offices such as regional offices in all provinces so that there are ideas regarding partnership extension workers by collaborating with campuses. The Chairman of KPPU has also communicated with the Director General of Higher Education and Technology so that partnership instructors can become part of the MBKM program. He hopes that the MoU between KPPU and Udayana University can be extended soon.

Rector Prof. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana welcomed the extension of this MoU and also opened up opportunities to expand the scope of cooperation through PKS with faculties at Udayana University.