Udayana University Holds Friendly Event with Third Party Scholarship Organizers in 2024

Udayana University (Unud) held a Friendly Event with Third Party Scholarship Organizers in 2024 at the Widya Sabha Auditorium Building, Jimbaran Campus, Tuesday (28/5/2024). This activity was attended by the Rector, Vice Rectors, Head of Student Affairs Bureau, Faculty Leaders, Representatives of Scholarship Organizers, Scholarship Units and student recipients of scholarships.

This year there are 19 scholarship providers for Udayana University students, namely Bank Indonesia, PT Pertamina Foundation, Bank BCA, PT Erlangga, PT Adaro Indonesia, Karya Salemba Empat Foundation, Bank BPD Bali, Deposit Insurance Corporation, Jember Regency Government, Bank Lestari, PT Gudang Garam , PT Djarum Foundation, Karya Lentera Bangsa Foundation, National Zakat Charity Agency, Jakarta Card for Superior Students, Bogor Regency Government, PT Charoen Pokphand, Salim and Barista Foundation. On this occasion, certificates of appreciation were also handed over to representatives of the 11 scholarship organizers who were present.

Chair of the Organizing Committee, Ketut Desi Anggraeni Sulistiawati, in her report said that third party scholarships are scholarships based on academic and non-academic achievements which are received by students in collaboration with 19 scholarship providers from both Bali and outside Bali. The purpose of this activity is to express infinite gratitude for the trust of scholarship providers in Udayana University.  

"Hopefully the cooperation that has been established so far can continue, because scholarships for students are likened to cooling dew in the morning and as candlelight that can illuminate in the dark," she said.

He also hopes that more scholarship quotas can be added to Udayana University because the quality of Udayana students is not inferior to other large universities on the island of Java.

Meanwhile, the Rector of Unud, Prof. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana in his speech said that the aim of this activity is to strengthen the ties of friendship that have been well established so far, share experiences, information and get to know each other better, as well as for scholarship recipients to know who has helped in providing scholarships. Our hope is for scholarship providers who have collaborated with us, if possible, to be able to increase the percentage of scholarships given to our institution considering that enthusiasm or interest in the scholarships offered is very high so we have to limit students who wish to register for this scholarship, hopefully in the future they can be considered for give us more quota. 

"Of course, we also invite other agencies or companies who wish to channel their funds in the form of educational assistance or scholarships. We will be happy to work together as best we can to create Indonesia's golden generation," said the Rector.

One of the scholarship giving representatives, namely the Operational Director of the Pertamina Foundation, Yulius S. Bulo, on this occasion said that according to the first mandate for the Pertamina Foundation, namely related to education, the party has a program called Pertamina Foundation Achievement where scholarships have been given since 2011 until now from Sabang to Merauke. and there are 42 collaborating campuses and partners, Udayana University being one of them. To date, more than 4 thousand students have been given scholarships from both state and private universities. Every year, Udayana University takes ten scholarship recipients and rolls them over every year in the hope that they will be evenly distributed. The scholarship program provided is named Sobi (Friends of the Earth) with the jargon "Love the Earth, Save the Earth".

Kirei Fauzia Aryawan, one of the scholarship recipients, expressed her gratitude to the scholarship organizing agency which has collaborated to provide scholarships for Udayana University students so that recipients can experience scholarship assistance like today.