A Portrait of the Journey of Indonesian Universities in Achieving the Predicate of a World Class University

Tangerang - Indonesian universities have a track record in realizing World Class University or World Class University (UBD). This endeavor cannot be separated from the role of higher education leaders who have succeeded in bringing their institutions to world-class ranks.

To share the experiences and good practices of Indonesian higher education leaders in reaching UBD, the Council of Higher Education Excellence Council and the Directorate General of Education, Higher Education, Research and Technology launched the book “Leadership Towards World Class Universities”, Friday (9/6). This book captures the journey of chancellors from various universities in Indonesia with various situations and backgrounds, so that the process of reaching UBD is different.

It is hoped that the unique experience of each higher education leader will open up new views and broaden horizons in efforts towards UBD. This book can also be used as a reference in designing institutions that will accommodate and increase the capacity of prospective future higher education leaders to bring higher education towards UBD.

On this occasion, Acting Director General of Higher Education, Research and Technology, Nizam, emphasized the importance of writing, documenting and publishing tacit knowledge from higher education leaders so that it continues to live and not be lost in the future.

"A lot of tacit knowledge was lost along with the change of chancellor. Therefore, it is very important for us to always publish, write, and document tacit knowledge to become explicit knowledge so that it can continue to be transmitted. This is one of the spirits of the Merdeka Campus where we make experience a meaningful and valuable knowledge," said Nizam.

Not only that, Nizam also added that university leadership actually does not only belong to the chancellor, but every person in the college. This leadership is called collaborative leadership which is an important thing in realizing a world-class university.

"Higher education leadership is not only about the chancellor, but from the chancellor to the cleaning staff on campus, all of them are leaders. In this case, the lecturer is the leader in the class, the student is the leader himself in learning, and the class cleaner is also the leader of the room so that it is comfortable to participate in learning. We need to continue to build this collaborative leadership to build world-class universities," added Nizam.

On the other hand, Chairman of the Excellent Assembly of the Council for Higher Education Daniel Murdiyarso emphasized that a World Class University is a lifestyle, not just a goal. Daniel explained that the book "Leadership Towards World-Quality Universities" can provide an overview of the shape of higher education in the future by looking at the new challenges that are just now.

Riri Fitri Sari as coordinator of writers and editors added that the book “Leadership Towards World Quality Universities” could become history in the future. "This book contains leadership experiences that have been carried out by rectors to create strategies to achieve standards of educational and academic excellence which will later facilitate the realization of world-class universities," explained Riri.

On the same occasion, a book review and discussion was also held which was attended by the chancellors and university leaders. As speakers, there were contributors who were the rectors of state university leaders from various periods to highlight facts and experiences which were opportunities and challenges in bringing higher education to the UBD level.