Commemorating the Youth Pledge, PUPAR LPPM Unud Holds Millennial Tourism Webinar

The Center for Tourism Excellence (PUPAR) of LPPM Unud held a tourism webinar in commemoration of the Youth Pledge Day, (28/10). The webinar with the theme “The Contribution of Millennials in Tourism Development” was attended by more than 420 participants. The webinar was opened by the Secretary of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, Dra. Ni Wayan Giri Adsing, MSc., CHA., began with remarks from the Head of the Research and Community Service Institute (LPPM) Unud represented by Secretary Ir. Ni Made Ary Esta Dewi Wirastuti, ST., MSc., PhD., IPM.

The webinar presents speakers from researchers, millennials who are successful in creative endeavors, and two celebgrams, namely: Didiek Tri Kurniawan, SE., MM. (Malang State University Lecturer/Disruptive Learning Innovation Researcher) with the topic “Millennials and Innovation in Indonesian Tourism”; I Wayan Tunas Wijaya (Owner of Belantih Coffee Farm) with the topic “The Role of Millennials in Knitting Agriculture Linkages with Tourism”'; Mahaswari Sudirman (Assistant Front Office Manager Kuwarasan A Pramana Experience, Ubud) with the topic “The Role of Millennials in Tourism Business Development; and two Celebrities, namely Desak Made Widya Swari (@sakwidya02) and Intan Cahyani (@Intancules_) with the topic “The Role of Social Media Influencers to Encourage Millennials to Travel”.

The discussion started with an introduction by Ida Bagus Rai Dharmawijaya Mantra, former Mayor of Denpasar. The event was guided by the Head of PUPAR Unud, Ir. Agung Suryawan Wiranatha, MSc., PhD.

Sesmen Parekraf Ni Wayan Giri Adnyani in his speech said that the government really appreciates the role of millennials in tourism development in the era of disruption. They have the ability and creative energy that can enhance tourism promotion. "Promotions carried out through the digital world have an important value in awakening the spirit of Indonesian tourism," said Giri Adnyani.

In addition to expressing his gratitude for the contribution of millennials, Giri Adnyani on behalf of the government also hopes that millennials will continue to be enthusiastic about promoting Indonesian tourism to enliven domestic tourism and the international tourism market. Various government initiatives such as Indonesia Care, We Love Indonesia, and Di Indonesia Aja, as well as the CHSE policy are running smoothly thanks to the support of the millennial generation. "The government invites the younger generation to move quickly, move together, and gaspol," he said, quoting the slogan of Tourism Minister Sandiaga Uno.

In the introduction to the discussion, Ida Bagus Rai Dharmawijaya Mantra, former Mayor of Denpasar praised the implementation of the webinar involving the younger generation because the facts show that millennials have succeeded in transforming, especially in the business sector.

“Millennials not only have creative power, but they are also actively working. The implementation of the 2020 Denpasar Festival in a pandemic disruption situation has been successful in the hands of Denpasar millennials," said IB Rai Mantra.

He explained the Denpasar City Government's policy to build the Dharma Alaya Building in Lumintang by designing its use for millennials for the development of various creative economy businesses.

In his presentation "Millennials and Innovation in Indonesian Tourism", a lecturer at the State University of Malang, Didiek Tri Kurniawan, SE., MM. describes the statistics and success of Indonesian millennials in improving the creative economy, such as Gojek and Tokopedia. "One of the characteristics of millennials is their creativity to try new things," said Didiek who delivered his presentation from Turkey.

Speaker I Wayan Tunas Wijaya from Belantih Coffee Farm Kintamani explained his efforts in knitting the link between agriculture and tourism. “In the past, people only drank coffee, but now people want to know how the coffee is cultivated until it is ready to drink. By offering tour packages like this, coffee farming is appreciated and the younger generation is happy to learn about it,” said Tunas.

Speaker Maha Sudirman (Assistant Front Office Manager Kuwarasan A Experience in Ubud) discussed the role of millennials in the development of tourism businesses. For him, millennials are not only young people who like to travel but also have extraordinary human potential.

Two celebs, Desak Made Widya Swari (@sakwidya02) and Intan Cahyani (@intancules_) shared their experiences as influencers on the topic “The Role of Social Media Influencers to Encourage Millennials to Travel”. In their activities to promote and endorse products, be it natural tourism, goods products, tour packages, culinary, they try their best to attract their followers to try. Both also said that as a program they get paid for introducing the product. “But, not always paid. If I post the beauty of nature, beaches, because I see the tourism potential is strong, no one pays, "said Intan. "We are ready to work together to promote tourism," said Desak Widya.

After this, PUPAR will design joint activities with influencers to help revive tourism businesses and the post-pandemic creative economy.