Faculty of Arts Udayana University Conducted a Culture Festival on Its 58th Anniversary

Students of Faculty of Arts were performing Ja’i Dance, a traditional dance from Bajwa, East Nusa tenggara

Faculty of Arts Udayana University conducted a culture festival on Its 58th Anniversary and the 35th of BK FIB. This event was conducted on September 23-27 2016 and opened by the dean of the faculty, Prof. Dr. Sutjiati Beratha. The festival was different from last year which this year concept is performing local culture in Indonesia. For instance, conducting an ancient time exhibition by Archeology Department, Batik and traditional food exhibitions, choir competition, traditional dance performance, and musical poetry competition.

Students were at Culture Exhibition

Such concept was chosen to introduce Indonesian culture to the students of the faculty and make them love it more. Maria Maltidis Banda, a lecturer of Indonesian Literature Department who was also one of choir competition judges, stated that Indonesian culture is a national heritage that has to be maintained as Indonesian people’s identities. She added, “It is expected that students’ spirits in their studies will increase through this event.” This event was not only participated by the students, but lecturers and all staffs in the faculty also performed on the stage.

A choir group representing Japanese Literature Department performed on the stage.

Students’ enthusiasms could be seen clearly when choir competition held. This competition was participated by all departments in the faculty, performing Hymne Udayana and Mars Fakultas Sastra songs. Each group showed their uniqueness to make the judges captivated, giving them more points and deciding them to be the winner. Finally, the winner of this competition was the choir group of Japanese Literature Department. The 1st runner up was from English Department and the 2nd runner up was Indonesian Literature Department. In addition, the best conductor was awarded to Putu Upik Mahardiani, a student of English Department. (ayuniantari)