The Coordinator of Udayana University Postgraduate Environmental Science Doctoral Study Program Gives Material in the FGD for the Preparation of the Badung Regency TJSP Masterplan

The Coordinator of the Udayana University Postgraduate Environmental Science Doctoral Study Program (PDIL), Prof. Ir. I Wayan Arthana, MS, PhD, became one of the resource persons in the Forum Group Discussion (FGD) of the Compilation of Corporate Social Responsibility Masterplan (TJSP) Badung Regency at The Stone Hotel Legian Jln. Raya Pantai Kuta Badung on Friday (November 24). This FGD activity was opened by the Deputy Regent of Badung, I Ketut Suiasa, and attended by related agencies within the Badung Regency Government, Sub-District Heads throughout Badung Regency, Chairperson of the TJSP Forum, Head of Village in Badung Regency, and Village Heads in Badung Regency. In his remarks, Vice Regent Suiasa said that the purpose of this FGD was to create a blueprint about TJSP in Badung Regency so that there was mutual communication and interaction between stakeholders. It is hoped that all parties, especially entrepreneurs, will be fully aware in order to synergize with the Badung Regency government to carry out constitutional obligations.

Meanwhile, Prof. Arthana in his presentation said that the philosophy of TJSP/CSR is: sustainability, responsibility to stakeholders, business ethics, and community empowerment. He also added that the general objectives of TJSP are environmental protection, employee welfare, local community empowerment, compliance with laws and ethics, creating shared value, and transparency and accountability.

At the end of his presentation, Arthana added that TJSP in the environmental field includes: waste management, energy efficiency, natural resource conservation, water management, greenhouse gas emission reduction, environmental counseling, environmental rehabilitation, and environmental reporting. (DK)