Declares Singapadu Tengah a Rabies Red Zone, UPTD 3 Gianyar Public Health Center and Udayana Student Held Rabies Vaccination


In 2023, the Gianyar Regency Agriculture Service through the Head of the Animal Health  Division stated that 29 villages had been declared as rabies red zone areas. This of course makes the regional government and the community increasingly worried and trying to carry out mass rabies vaccinations as a form of prevention.


The community in Singapadu Tengah Village, Sukawati District, Gianyar, also feels this problem regarding rabies, which is also a village with rabies red zone status. As a village with rabies red zone status and included in one of the villages where the Real Work Lecture (KKN) at Udayana University (Unud) will take place, KKN students and Field Supervisors (DPL) will be assigned to make this rabies problem a issues that must be resolved, so that a desire arose to cooperate with the UPTD 3 PUSKESWAN Gianyar.


Then, on Wednesday (19/07) KKN students with permission from DPL coordinated with drh. I Nyoman Dharma as Head of UPTD 3 PUSKESWAN Gianyar. From the meeting held, it was agreed that a rabies vaccination activity would be held in Singapadu Tengah Village.


Rabies vaccination activities were also carried out in four service hamlets in Singapadu Tengah, namely Banjar Negari, Banjar Kutri, Banjar Belaluan and Banjar Abasan. In practice, rabies vaccination is carried out twice a week by waiting the arrival of animals in the banjar and also door to door. This activity was well received by the local village officials and all the banjar officials also attended and assisted in the rabies vaccination process which was carried out to prevent double vaccination in the near future.


"Thank you for helping the residents of Banjar Negari by giving rabies vaccinations to the pets belonging to residents, this activity really helps our community," said Mr. I Made Sudarta S.Pd as Head of District Office Banjar Negari during the rabies vaccination activity.



Within three weeks, the rabies vaccination was completed and it was declared that Singapadu Tengah Village had completed 80% of its rabies vaccination activities. The implementation of rabies vaccination is of course expected to be one of the biggest efforts to prevent and eliminate Gianyar, especially Central Singapadu as a rabies red zone area in Bali.


Central Singapadu KKN 2023