Unit Website

Considering Udayana University's strategic plan which aims to create a stimulus for the entire academic community by realizing the vision of making UNUD a leading research university in Indonesia and even at world level, it is wrong to provide computer and communication facilities widely for use by UNUD lecturers, staff and students. an important supporting factor in research, learning, teaching or administrative work activities. In order to realize fast, precise and accurate services based on information technology in the UNUD environment in order to prepare UNUD for internationalization, it was deemed necessary to form a unit that specifically manages the UNUD information system, therefore the Information Resources Unit (USDI) was formed with the Chancellor's Decree No. 39/UN.14/HK/2015.



Realizing the use of ICT in every activity of the academic community in supporting Udayana University to achieve excellence, independence and culture



1. Develop applications for implementing each tri dharma activity in higher education at Udayana University

2. Building a LAN and internet network to support activities in the ICT sector at Udayana University

3. Providing Udayana University ICT services

4. Integrate data into applications at IMISSU

Faculty Name : Information Resource Units
Address : Rektorat Bukit Jimbaran
Telephone : -
Email : usdi@unud.ac.id
Website : usdi.unud.ac.id