English Department was established in the academic year of 1962/1963 by Mr. Margono. He later then became Head of the Department, assisted by a secretary, Mr Nyoman Subawa Duarsa. From that moment, in the Department of English’s learning programs was carried out only by him and assisted by another faculty member, Mr Soejono Tedjosoedargo. The three of them are alumni of the University of Gajah Mada. At the end of 1963, Ibu Gedong Bagoes Oka completed BA program at this department, 1976 Mr. I Gusti Made Sutjaja completed his studies in IKIP of Malang, and Mr. Soeparwoto completed his study at the University of Gajahmada. The sixofthem organized in the Department of English learning programs to BA level until 1976. In the same year, English Department opened the program with the S1 with 10 students and 6 graduates in 1981 to produce the first generation that consists of Mr. Joseph Santoso, Mr. I Wayan Jigra Mr. Ida Bagus Putra Yadnya, Mr. I Wayan Resen, Mr. I Nengah Sudipa and Mr. Cokorda Alit Dalem.
As time went on and the growing amount of tourists in Bali, the number of students of English Department continued to grow and as a consequence this program must also increase the number of teaching staff. Until 2014, lecturer in English Department courses amounted to 46 people consisting of S2 and S3 education degree staff.
Vision, Mission, Objective, and Targets and Strategies in Achievement
1. The mechanics of developing vision, mission, goals and objectives of the study program, as well as the parties involved.
The mechanics of developing vision, mission, goals, and objectives of English Department conducted by several stages suchas the first stage is the preparation phase of the draft of vision, mission, goals, and objectives English Department; The second stage is the input filter started from English Department staff, the manager of the Faculty of Humanities Udayana University, and the stakeholders; and the third stage is the stage of ratification of the document's vision, mission, goals, and objectives English Department.
The first stage is the preparation of the draft of vision, mission, goals, and objectives Study Program made by the management of Study Program. Management of Study Program in question is the chairperson of Study Program, Study Program secretary, and the chairperson of the study program in English Department. The draft formulation of the vision, mission, goals, and these goals are aligned with the strategic plan of the university and the faculty.
The second phase is in the form of networking input from a number of parties that have relevance to the Study Program in English Department. The first input to the document formulation obtained from the involvement of faculty member in the English Department. Input to the vision, mission, goals, and objectives of the English Department. In that meeting, the staff of English Department gave opinions, changes, additions, and improvements to the initial document prepared by the manager of Study Program. While the second input was derived from the management of the Faculty of Humanities Udayana University. The filter of inputs from the manager of the faculty is an integral part given English Department is one of the Study Programs under the Faculty of Humanities Udayana University. Therefore, the formulation of vision, mission, goals, and objectives of English Department is aligned with the vision, mission, goals, and objectives of the Faculty of Humanities, University of Udayana. The third input was derived from the stakeholder. The stakeholders have strong links with English Department. They are the alumni and institutions that have frequently use English Department graduates of Udayana University.
The third stage is the stage of ratification of the document of vision, mission, goals, and objectives English Department. Validation phase was preceded by the final formulation of the document after receiving input from various parties. Official documents of the vision, mission, goals, and objectives of English Department was passed through a staff meeting which was followed by English Department. Ratification is also marking the use and implementation of the vision, mission, goals, and objectives of English Literature in the next five years.
2. Vision of English Department
Vision is a way of looking far ahead, and where English Department must be brought and then how to work in order to remain consistent and to exist, anticipatory, innovative and productive. English Department vision to be achieved is "Becoming English Study Program superior, independent and cultured.“
Superior means reliable, quality, and has competence both nationally and internationally in carrying out the activities of Tri Dharma Higher Education and became a center for research, development, and dissemination of knowledge of English language and literature and upholds the moral values of academic to support national development for the realization of a better life.
Independent means to have strong human resources, confident, and highly competitive as well as in terms of capability in the development and financing management system autonomously.
Cultured means in the development of human resources (HR), institutions, and product English Department upholds the values of academic culture, traditional cultural values, and practices based on the life, which develops academic honesty and truth in order to support the sustainable development for the realization of a better life.
3. Mission of the English Department
Mission is something that must be carried and implemented by the management of English Department which is related to the vision above, namely that the purpose of the subject and its function can be implemented and work well, and are projected based on the role or the details of the tasks and programs along with the results obtained in a certain time frame. Based on the main objectives of the mission there set forth English Department as below:
- Carrying out Tridarma Higher Education (Education and Teaching, Research, and Community Service) qualified in the fields of English language and literature within a period of 5 years.
- Improve education that encourages the formation of the character of learners who are able to think globally, act locally, and create independence so it can compete in the world of work both at the national and international levels over a period of 5 years.
- Develop partnerships with both government and private institutions, local, national, and international institutions in terms of improving the capacity, the development of science and technology (science and technology), and an increase in participation in society.
Jabatan : Koordinator Program Studi
NIP : 197812012006041002
Nama Pejabat : Dr. I Wayan Mulyawan, S.S., M.Hum
Periode Awal : 2022-01-19
Periode Akhir : 2026-01-19
Website : https://sasing.unud.ac.id/
Address : Jln. Nias No. 13 Sanglah Denpasar 80114 Bali
Telephone : 0361 - 257415
Email : sasingunud@gmail.com
Website : https://sasing.unud.ac.id