Registration announcement WISUDA All 112

Registration announcement WISUDA All 112

Registration Schedule Graduation

                                      G R A D U A T I O N  A N N O U N C E M E N T S

                                          Number: 6821 / UN14.5 / PP.06.01 / 2014


In the framework of the implementation Graduation 112th Udayana University who carried out the period February 2015 February 14, 2015, is hereby declared the following matters:

  1. Registration Graduation 112th Udayana University, was conducted from November 24, 2014 until the date of January 15, 2015 in ON-Line, and file submission no later than January 16, 2015 in Building Registration Education section BAA.
  2. Registration terms:
    • Prospective graduates enter the data on Graduation Registration Form via the Internet at the address
    • Proof of Registration Graduation scored from the website and submit it to Subag. Academic in each PPS / Faculty for initial verification and validity of the data by clerk PPS / Faculty.
    • Deposit Payment Graduation Rp. 900.000, - (including purchases toga), which is repaid at Bank BNI through the Operational Account BLU Udayana University Admission No. 2909201260.
    • Deposit Payment Alumni Rp. 50.000, - which is repaid at Bank BNI with Ikayana Foundation Account No. 0335056168
    • Submit a registration file in the Department of Education, Bureau of Academic Administration at the Udayana University campus Bukit Jimbaran, every working day starting at 09:00 to 15:30 pm, except Fridays until 16:00 pm, the completeness of the necessary requirements, namely:
      1. First Registration evidence that has been verified and initialed by the clerk stamped PPS / Faculty.
      2. Original Payment Receipt Graduation and Ikayana (each one sheet).
      3. Black and white photograph, size 3 x 4 cm by 4 (four) pieces, with the following provisions:
        • Men                : Clothes PSR (Jas + Tie), without glasses
        • Women          : National Clothing, without headgear and goggles
        • View                : Facing the future, both ears must be visible


  1. Academic Exemption Certificate (requirements in accordance with the provisions of each Faculty / Program / PPS).
  2. Receipt Cost of Education (SPP) Original last semester and verified by PUSKOM UNUD (1 sheet).
  3. Photocopy of the last diploma or Birth Certificate or Letter of Determination Name Change of the District Court for the rename, for the sake of writing data diploma (1 sheet).
7. Prospective graduates S0 and S1 / D4 started Forces in 2007 and subsequently shall  submit a copy of the Certificate PKKMB which has been endorsed by the leadership of the faculty concerned, and must show the original.
8. Prospective graduates S1 / D4, S2 and S3 must attach the Certificate of Scientific Publications validated by Publisher Journal and School Officials, in accordance with the Rector's Decree No. 416A / UN.14 / PP.03.01 / 2012.
3. Schedule Thumbprint:
· Dated January 26, 2015 (FE, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, PPDS and Masters)
· Dated January 27, 2015 (FS, FISIP, FPar and FH)
· Dated January 28, 2015 (FT, Natural Sciences, Faculty of Husbandry, FP and FTP)
· Start at 09.30 till 15:30 pm at the Education Section BAA rector at the counter that has been   provided.
4. Rehearsal was held on 13 February 2015 began to pk. 9:00 pm in Building Widyasabha and Decision Invitation served after Rehearsal in counter Unud Education Section, Campus Rector Building Bukit Jimbaran.
5. Toga Graduates distributed at schedule time thumbprint diploma in Section Rector Building Supplies Unud.
6. Present absent, for graduates who for some reason can not follow the graduation procession in order to convey to the Secretariat of the Committee Graduation by phone. (0361) 701954 ext. 110, 211, (0361) 702 422.
7. Things that are not clear to the Secretariat of the Committee can be asked Graduation tel. (0361) 701954 ext. 110, 109.
Thus this announcement to be distributed to prospective participants Graduates 112th Udayana University.

Bukit Jimbaran, 21 November 2015
A.n. Rector
Head of Academic Administration Bureau
As Chairman of the Committee Graduation
Drs. Ketut Amoga Sidi
NIP. 19601231 198603 1009