SNPMB Committee Announces 2024 SNBT Results, Udayana University Enters 20 Academic PTNs with the Highest UTBK Average

Jakarta - General Chairperson of the SNPMB Responsible Team, Prof. Ganefri delivered a Press Release regarding the announcement of the results of the 2024 National Selection Based on Tests (SNBT). Quoted from the Press Release, based on the results of the Selection and Allocation Meeting for Determining the 2024 SNBT Track Results on 9 - 11 June 2024, the results of the National Selection Based on Tests (SNBT) ) 2024 will be announced on Thursday, June 13 2024, starting at 15.00 WIB. The announcement is made via the page, by entering the 2024 UTBK-SNBT Registration Number and Participant's Date of Birth according to the personal data that has been registered in the SNPMB system. Apart from the main page for the announcement of the 2024 SNBT route selection results, the announcement of the 2024 SNBT results can also be informed via the 41 PTN mirror pages, one of which is

A total of 145 universities, consisting of 75 Academic State Universities (PTN), 26 State Islamic Religious Universities (PTKIN), and 44 State Polytechnics as Vocational PTNs, are taking part in the 2024 SNBT which is organized by the National Selection Committee for New Student Admissions (Committee SNPMB). The 2024 SNBT participating universities provide a total capacity of 272,248 seats.

Different from last year, in 2024 SNBT applicants can choose 4 study program options. The total number of SNBT applicants in 2024 is 785,058 high school graduates, of which 256,587 are KIP College applicants. As a result of the 2024 SNBT, 231,104 applicants were declared to have passed.

The General Chairperson of the Team Responsible for the 2024 SNPMB, Ganefri, expressed his congratulations to the 2024 SNBT participants who were declared to have passed the SNBT Pathway selection. He advised that participants who were declared to have passed the 2024 SNBT Pathway Selection and had re-registered could not be accepted for the 2024 Independent Selection at any PTN. Apart from that, participants who pass will immediately verify their academic data and re-register according to the schedule set by their target PTN. When verifying academic data and re-registration, participants who are declared to have passed the SNBT pathway selection must fulfill the provisions, namely showing the original report card, original diploma/Graduation Certificate (SKL), and other requirements set by the target PTN. For participants who pass the 2024 SNBT Track Selection who apply for the Indonesia Smart College Card (KIP Kuliah), apart from verifying academic data, economic data verification will also be carried out based on documents and/or visits to the participant's residence address. 

The General Chair of the 2024 SNPMB Responsible Team also advised participants who have not passed SNBT not to be discouraged because they still have the opportunity to take part in the 2024 Independent Pathway Selection.

The press release also listed 20 academic PTNs with the highest UTBK average and one of them was Udayana University (Unud) with an average score of 581.18.