Udayana University held a Year End Reflection 2020
Wednesday (30/12/2020), at the Widya Sabha Auditorium, Jimbaran Campus. The event was attended offline by University Leaders, Senate Chairpersons, Faculty and Postgraduate Leaders, PPK, Director of Unud Hospital as well as outstanding student representatives and supervisors. Meanwhile, other invitees joined online through the Webex Unud application.
The Rector of Udayana University Prof. A.A Raka Sudewi in his report said that 2020 is a time full of challenges for us because we had never predicted before that the Covid-19 pandemic would hit the world, and had an impact on all aspects of human life.
The Chancellor invited all invitations to ponder for a moment about the life progress we have been through during the last 12 months. Many things have been done and there are many other things that we must do to bring Udayana University more advanced and more flying.
For that, let's roll up our sleeves, work harder and be more focused, professional and full of responsibility. Covid-19 has forced lecturers, students, employees to carry out digital-based activities such as online learning. It was difficult at first, but now students feel comfortable with online learning facilities.
In his report, the Chancellor described a portrait of online learning in the Covid-19 era, policies during the pandemic, achievements and achievements, outstanding students, implementation of the Tridharma of higher education, the performance of Udayana University Hospital, human resources, infrastructure and internationalization.
This Year-End Reflection was also coupled with the awarding ceremony by the Chancellor to the University Senate, SPI, General Bureau and BPKU, LP3M, LPPM, Udayana Hospital, USDI, Covid-19 Task Force and PPK Construction.
Awards are also given to outstanding students and supervisors. On this occasion, a letter of assignment for Plt. The Chancellor's Bureau and Special Staff and the signing of the completed building inscription. Some of the assets that have been completed are land asset fences, warehouses, gates and vocational buildings, as well as the inscriptions for renovating the BE, MIPA, gas stations, Rusunawa and Jimbaran Student Dormitory, and increasing the service capacity of the Unud Hospital and UICC.