By Holds IPCCTV Workshop, USDI Collaborates with VIVOTEK
The "Safeguard Future with Vivotek IP Surveillance Solution" Workshop which was held on Friday, September 7, 2018 by USDI in collaboration with Vivotek Taiwan invited the enthusiastic participants at Udayana University. Located at the Conference Room of the GDLN Udayana University Building, a total of 30 participants enthusiastically attended the workshop which was discussed IPCCTV technology.
On this occasion, Evan Wu, who came directly from Taiwan as a Project Consultant and was a representative of Vivotek Taiwan Brand Project Department, as the speaker in the workshop with the theme "Safeguard Future with Vivotek IP Surveillance Solution" explaining in detail the latest technology embedded in the camera products and other supporting devices for IPCCTV networks by Vivotek. These technologies assist the process of designing and monitoring of this IPCCTV system. In his presentation, Evan Wu explained about the step by step IPCCTV project design starting by considering the needs and risk factors, the type of the camera, the type of supporting infrastructure, and also the maintenance of the IPCCTV system.
Through this workshop, the participants were taught about the process carried out in the IPCCTV installation using special software, which name is IP Video Design Tool (IPVDT). This IPVDT software can help the participants to do the IPCCTV design simulations in certain area by adding some configurations to the camera setting on the software. With this simulation, designing the system can be done more easily and can be adjusted to the original conditions in the field. In addition to the introduction of this IPVDT software, participants also have to do an exam that aims to get the IPCCTV design certification from Vivotek.
The implementation of the "Safeguard Future with Vivotek IP Surveillance Solution" workshop helped Udayana University realizing cooperation between educational institutions and industry. Also, by collaborating with the industry, this workshop can add insight from participants regarding the development of IPCCTV technology and can apply the knowledge gained about IPCCTV design. So it can spur new creativity and innovations in the Udayana University. (ids)