Improving the Quality of Human Resources, Unud and BSN Holds
Jimbaran - Udayana University in cooperation with the National Standardization Agency (BSN) held "Public Lecture and Workshop on Standardization Education" on Monday (07/05/2018) in National Space Rectorate Building Bukit Jimbaran Campus. The activity followed by the lecturer of this research is a follow up of the MoU which has been signed by both parties by presenting the Head of BSN as a resource. The topic presented in public lectures and workshops is "The Role of Universities in Developing Standardization and Conformity Assessment to Improve National Competitiveness and Accelerate the Progress of the Nation".
Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Gde Antara, M.Eng in his opening speech, said that this excellent event is expected to give benefits for Udayana University, especially in the case of standardization. On the occasion, the Vice Rector also gave appreciation to the Head of BSN considering that BSN is one of the important partners in the institution accreditation process such as the role in Laboratory certification. Currently LP3M Udayana University is preparing the standards that will be used in the implementation of Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi considering the standards are closely related to the process of institution accreditation. This year, Unud is also in the process of internationalization by including several Study Programs in AUN certification. It is expected to develop and improve the rank of Udayana University both nationally and internationally. (HM)