The Training and Observation of Migratory Birds in the series of World Migratory Bird Day 2018
The Documentation of Training and Observation of Migratory Bird Activities in the Series of World Migratory Bird Day 2018
Frank Williams University of Udayana Bird Sculpture Museum, Rothschildi Wildlife Profession Interest Faculty of Veterinary Udayana University, and Curik Bali Bird Study Club Student Association of Biology Department Faculty of Mathematic and Natural Sciences Udayana Univeristy conducted World Migratory Bird Day (WMBD) Festival on Saturday and Sunday 28-29 April 2018. The event which was attended by 65 participants took place in the Hall of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Udayana and on Serangan Island.
Taking the theme of "Unifying our voices for bird conservation", WMBD 2018 activity was begun with birdwatching training and a general lecture on ecological studies of migratory bird phenomena. The training and public lectures were delivered by Husnaeni Nugroho (PT BTID Serangan), M. Saifudin (Kokokan Bird Watching Group), Yuyun Yanwar (Satwa Alam Bali Wildlife Photographer Community), and Luh Putu Eswaryanti Kusuma Yuni (Frank Williams Museum of Bird Sculpture Udayana University). On the following day, migratory birds were observed on Serangan Island. Indonesia lies on the path of East Asian - Australasian Flyway migratory tracks stretching from the Arctic of Russia and North America to the point south of Australia and New Zealand. This track covers the entire continent of Southeast Asia. Therefore, every year at the end of April-May and October, Indonesia is passed by thousands of birds on its way to migrate from the southern hemisphere to the north and vice versa.
Through the WMBD activities students are invited to enjoy the beauty of birds in the wild, as well as expected to increase awareness of the threat faced when migrating birds, such as damage / loss of habitat or hunting. With the knowledge and experience gained, students will be able to play a more role in the implementation of biodiversity conservation effort in their respective areas.