Denpasar - Udayana University Rector held an audience with Bali Police Chief, Thursday (09/14/2017) at Mapolda Bali, Jl. WR Supratman, Denpasar. Rector of Unud was accompanied by Vice Rector for Student Affairs (WR III) and Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation and Information (WR IV). Presence aimed at introducing new leaders within Udayana University and improving the cooperative relationships that have been well established. The Rector of Unud was received directly by the Bali Police Chief, accompanied by Karo SDM and Karo Humas Polda Bali.

(Bali Police Chief, Inspector General Pol. Petrus Reinhard Golose when recieved audience from Rector Unud in Mapolda Bali)

Bali Police Chief, Inspector General Pol. Petrus Reinhard Golose on this occasion conveyed that Unud and Polda Bali already have good cooperation especially in law field, and in the future Kapolda want to cooperate in the field of nursing to improve the health quality service in Polda Bali environment, especially at Polres level through short course with lectures from Udayana University. Kapolda also wants Unud to conduct a study on the performance of the Bali Police through quantitative and qualitative research to assess the level of community satisfaction with the Polda in overcoming the problems of thuggery, drugs, corruption and terrorism. The results of these studies will be a portrait of the community and as a reflection of the Bali Police forward. The research results will also be published to the public and the Bali Police is very open for the goodness.

Rector of Unud, Prof. Dr. dr. A A. Raka Sudewi, Sp.S (K) welcomed the wishes of Kapolda and expressed appreciation for the cooperation that has been woven all this time. The future of this cooperation to be continued and developed into other areas that related to the main tasks and functions (tupoksi). Through this opportunity, Rector of Unud also informed the achievements that have been achieved by Unud. (PR)

(Audience Rector Unud with Vice Rectors Unud to the Polda Bali that took place in Mapolda Bali, Jl. WR Supratman, Denpasar)