Penyerahan Pelakat Dari Program Studi Hubungan Internasional Pada Agenda Seminar Sesi

Submission of Plaque from International Relations study program at Agenda of Speaker Conference Seminar, DR. Diane Butler

Badung – Thursday (10/08), Corps of Udayana University's International Relations Student organizes the Bali World Model United Nations 2017. The simulated conception of this United Nations session is an activity that has been held by the committee for the second time, previously the concept of similar activity was held in the previous year. In this event, Udayana Bali World Model United Nations 2017 event will be held at Hotel Swiss-BelHotel Tuban from 7 to 10 August 2017. Journey of Humanity: A Mission for Peace is the theme of the event taken by the executing committee in the implementation of Udayana Bali World Model United Nations 2017. This year's event itself is chaired by Putu Indah Savitri who is a student of international relations of class 2015.

"This activity is implemented with the aim to process the critical thinking of the young generation in producing solutions to solve the problems or world conflicts. In addition, to increase the sensitivity to global issues', explained Indah as chairman of the committee during the interview session.


Picture when the participants lobbied doing simulation session of the United Nations session

In this year's activities, there are 85 participants from Indonesian and international students such as Asia and Europe participating in the Udayana Bali World Model United Nations 2017 series.

In the simulation session of the World Model United Nations of Balinese United Nation 2017, the committee opened 4 councils plus Presscorp for the race. The four councils hosted by this year's committee are ESSGA (Emergency Special Sessions of General Assembly), UNSC (United Nations Security Council), ARF (ASEAN Regional Forum), and UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization).

In addition to the implementation of the simulation session of the United Nations, this activity is also contained in the agenda of the international seminars and the city tour. In the international seminar session, the committee invited 3 experts who have the competence in the field of international relations. The three experts are Eshila Maravanyika as the Acting Director in UNIC Jakarta, DR. Diane Butler as the President of International Foundation for Dharma Nature Time, and Ngurah Swajaya, SH., MA as Ambassador of Indonesia to Singapore. While on the last day of activity, the participants are invited by the committee to visit some tourist objects in Bali such as Bali Museum and Uluwatu. City tour activity is an agenda that deliberately inserted at the end of activities to introduce the culture and attractions of Bali to all participants, especially to international participants

The picture of Ngurah Swajaya, SH., MA As the Indonesian Ambassador to Singapore during preparation of the seminar agenda

At the end of the interview, it is wonderful to expect young people to be open minded, able to negotiate diplomatically, more critical, and see problems from different perspectives. (arisugama)