Minister of Agriculture RI Gave Public Lecture at Udayana University

(Minister of Agriculture RI took Selfie with the Graduates)

Bukit Jimbaran - Minister of Agriculture of the Republic Indonesia (Minister of Agriculture), Ir. H. Andi Amran Sulaiman, MP gave a public lecture at Udayana University, Friday (04/08/2017). The general lecture was held at Widya Sabha Auditorium Building, Bukit Jimbaran Campus attended by 903 graduates. On this occasion also attended the Director General of Animal Husbandry and Animal Health, Head of Bali Provincial Agriculture Office, Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation and Information, Deans and Vice Deans of the Faculty in Udayana University.

(Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Prof. Dr. drh I Made Damriyasa, MS when giving speech)

Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Prof. Dr. Drh. I Made Damriyasa, MS in his speech expressed his appreciation to the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia on the willingness to give a Public Lecture at Udayana University. Further Prof. Damriyasa conveyed that this time has achieved a very high progress in agriculture, this is evidenced by agricultural products that had been imported, and now is surplus in Indonesia. The Minister of Agriculture in this case has involved the University of agriculture in Indonesia to participate in developing the agricultural sector. The Minister also has special attention to the results of research at the University and has a program to accommodate university graduates ie young farm entrepreneurs.

This general lecture was an excellent opportunity for prospective graduates to know the steps of the Ministry in increasing agricultural production that has been achieved at this time. To support this, Unud seeks to improve researches that can be applied directly to farmers and agricultural production. On this occasion Prof. Damriyasa also requested the Minister's assistance to provide aid of harvest tools and agricultural production tools so that teaching farms that owned by Unud can run optimally to support the agriculture program of the Minister. The Vice Rector for Academic Affairs hopes that the cooperation between Unud and the Ministry of Agriculture can be closely intertwined and has the support of ministries in increasing agricultural production in Indonesia.

(Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia, H. Andi Amran Sulaiman, MP when giving Public Lecture to the Graduates of Udayana University)

Minister of Agriculture RI, Ir. H. Andi Amran Sulaiman, MP in his presentation delivered various breakthroughs that have been done by the government in the field of agriculture, one of them is currently Indonesia has not imported rice. The policy of the Ministry of Agriculture is one of the policy breakthroughs in the agricultural sector in Indonesia. In addition, the Ministry is also seriously undertaking the repair of irrigation systems that are heavily damaged in Indonesia. In the field of insurance, the Government through the Ministry of Agriculture has an agricultural insurance program for farmers to motivate farmers that do not to be afraid to take risks if pests and harvest failure. Another thing that is also the target of the Ministry of Agriculture is the opening of new rice fields, until now the Ministry has opened a new rice field area of ​​40 thousand hectares and the rice produced has been exported to Singapore.

On this occasion, the Minister of Agriculture called on graduates to do their best in their fields to promote the country and share life experiences and motivate prospective graduates in determining their future. "Never feel smart and never feel great because it is the beginning of destruction, great people are people who can synergize with their environment".(PR)

(The Graduation Candidates of 122th Udayana University while attending a public lecture from the Minister of Agriculture Republic of Indonesia)


(Souvenir handover by Vice Rector for Academic Affairs to the Minister of Agriculture)

(Photo Together Minister of Agriculture Republic of Indonesia with representatives of Unud's Candidate of Graduates)