Bukit Jimbaran - Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) Unud organized WORKSHOP RESEARCH GUIDE "Publications and Promotion Grants" on Wednesday (19/07/2017) in Ruang Bangsa Rectorate Building Bukit Jimbaran Campus. Participants who attended were lecturers who graduated Doctor and Professor in Udayana University.

Chairman of the Committee, Ir. I Nyoman Budiarsa, Mt., Ph.D stated that the purpose of the workshop was to develop guidelines to be issued by LPPM. This activity was intended to facilitate research funding that support from universities in conducting comperative and competitive research that can solve problems that related to research, and encourage lecturers to be active and productive in conducting research and publications thereby improving the quality of publications. Activities are divided into 3 groups of discussions in parallel sessions. Group (1) field of concept of research grant, background and scope, Group (2) field of financing selection and output of publication grant, and group (3) field of monitoring, evaluation and dissemination. Implementation of this workshop was expected to support and prepare the guidelines so that research funds can run properly.

Chairman of LPPM, Prof. Dr. Ir I Nyoman Gede Antara, M.Eng conveyed this activity in anticipation because in the next few years the research fund for lecturers will increase from the previous year, from 5% to 10% and by 2018 is expected to be 15% of PNBP funds. Through this workshop LPPM wishes to account for the best possible research fund, so that the research fund is efficient for the institution's interest and can improve the governance and the result output.

Further Prof. Nyoman Antara conveyed several years ahead many full-time professors, so it is expected that many lecturers who have graduated Doctorate are motivated to propose the proposal to become Professor. The obstacle faced so far is the lack of international publication requirements. Through this activity is expected to help the lecturers to face these obstacles.

Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Prof. Dr. Drh. I Made Damriyasa, MS in his speech gave appreciation for the activities that undertaken by LPPM in preparing a research guide for publications grants and promotion of Professors. Further Prof. Made Damriyasa conveyed this activity is an implementation of the University plan through LPPM. Looking at the portrait of Accreditation and QS, one of the things that needs to be improved is the product of research both patents and publications, especially international publications. The University seeks to improve the quality of research output through international publications with seeing the ratio of the Gubes Besar decreasing due to international publication. If the Decree of the Directorate General of Higher Education No. 20 of 2017 applies as expressly as possible, there is a possibility that the Professor will lose the benefit in the absence of publication.

Further Prof. Damriyasa urged that the lecturers open Laman Cinta Kemenristek Dikti to see the portrait of Unud. The workshop produced is expected to improve the quality of publications that exist in Unud as well as a reference in the preparation of research guides. Currently, Unud is competing to become an international university, and for that it needs to be considered one of its output is the element of research. Of course, this very strategic activity can accelerate Unud to World Class University. To achieve this, the main target are the lecturer with the Doctorate degree proposing to the Professor. The biggest obstacle faced is meeting the standard publication requirement of Kemenristek Dikti. Prof. Damriyasa hopes that this workshop will produce a credible guide and be recognized by Kemenristek Dikti so that the commitment of the participants are needed in the preparation of the guidance. (PR)

(GUIDANCE RESEARCH WORKSHOP “PUBLICATION OF GRANTS AND PROFFESOR PROMOTION”, Wednesday (19/07/2017) in Ruang Bangsa Rectorate Building Bukit Jimbaran Campus)