Consul General of Australia Opening 'AussieBanget' Corner in Udayana University
The Australian Consulate General in cooperation with Udayana University launched the first "AussieBanget Corner" in Bali that centered in UPT Education, Training And Services, Udayana University Campus, Jl. P.B. Sudirman Denpasar on Wednesday, July 5, 2017. The opening ceremony was attended by Consul General of Australia, Dr. Helena Studdert and Rector of Udayana University, Prof. Dr. Dr Ketut Suastika, Sp.PD-KEMD, and other participants.
"AussieBanget Corner" is located on 2nd floor of UPT Building for Education, Training and Services, Udayana University Campus, Denpasar which it shows a selection of books about Australia and computer facilities that have access to the National Library of Australia which is expected to be used to seek a variety of general information as well as information on education and scholarships at various Australian universities .
Consul General of Australia Helena Studdert said the establishment of "AussieBanget Corner" is to encourage students in Bali to pursue education in Australia by providing relevant information and giving students a view of Australia. The number of alumni of the Australian Award recipients in Indonesia are approximately 8,240 and about 400 of them are from Bali and Nusa Tenggara Barat. These amounts do not include anyone who funded his / her own studies in Australia. Bali is one of the top seven provinces whose students continue their studies in Australia. Further Dr. Studdert said Australia wants to be the number one choice abroad as a student destination from Bali, and that is why the Australian government will continue to share information on the advantages of continuing its studies in the Kangaroo Country.
Rector of Udayana University, Prof. Dr. Dr. Ketut Suastika welcomed the establishment of "AussieBanget Corner" at Udayana University, as one of the excellent additional facilities for campus resources. The Rector conveyed that in the next few years, Unud targets to improve the quality of human resources up to 80% of its teaching staff get Ph.D. With the presence of "AussieBanget Corner" at Udayana University is expected to help provide better access to information about studying in Australia.
At the same event, the presentation was presented by Consul General of Australia. Helena Studdert on the Australia-Indonesia bilateral relationship. The event was also attended by Australian alumnus in Bali, Udayana University students, lecturers and staff as well as Australian students and faculty from Flinders University, University of Western Australia, Murdoch University, University of Sydney and Edith Cowan University who are currently participating in the Program Study and mobility in Bali as part of Australia's New Colombo Plan program.
In the future of "AussieBanget Corner" is expected to be a central area used to hold various activities related to Australia on the campus of Udayana University. For access for information about the programs and activities of the Australian Consulate General in Bali and NTB, please follow twitter @KonJenBali. (PR)
(Pemotongan pita sebagai simbul pembukaan #aussie corner di Universitas Udayana)
(Rektor Universitas Udayana, Prof. Dr. dr. Ketut Suastika bersama Konsul Jenderal Australia Dr. Helena Studdert dalam meninjau ruangan #aussie corner)
(Penandatanganan MoU antrara Universitas Udayana dengan Konsulat Jenderal Australia saat pembukaan #aussie corner)