Serious But Relax- I Gede Putu Darma Suyasa, SKp, MNG, PhD When Bringing His Material that Attracted Attention of the Participants

Denpasar- Sunday, March 19, 2017, the students of Student Association of Public Health held a health seminar entitled The Culture of K3 at Hospital in Efforts to Improve the Quality of Health Workers for Optimizing Public Health Service.". Taking place at the Nusantara room, Agrocomplex building, Udayana University, health seminar is a series of the events Ajang Kreativitas Akbar (AKA) 2017 has started with Charity and Outreach activities in SMP Sila Candra Batubulan on lasted March 11.

Left to right – the Head of the Committee, the Head of Public Health Student Associations, Representative the Student Executive Board Faculty of Medicine Udayana University, and the Head of  Public Health Study Program Faculty of Medicine Udayana University Officially Opens the Seminar

The seminar started at 08.30 pm and opened with a safety induction of the student representative of Public Health specialization in occupational health and safety. The event continued with prayer, singing the anthem together Choir Student Association of Public Health, as well as the appearance of a student Merak Angelo Balinese Dance as an opening dance. After the opening dance, then there was a report session and welcome at the start of Putu Gede Bangkyt Guna Suara as Head of the committeeof Seminar of Health, I Gusti Agung Istri Cahyani as Head of Public Health Student Associations, representative of the Student Executive Board of Medical Faculty Udayana University, and dr. I Made Ady Wirawan, MPH, Ph.D., as Head of Department of Public Health, Medical Faculty, Udayana University who also opened the event officially marked by beating the gong.

In front of the guests, including the Deputy of the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine Udayana University, Head of the Department of Public Health, coordinator of student affairs of Public Health, head of the Student Associations of Public Health University of Dhyana Pura, the Head of Public Health Organizations, representatives of the Student Executive Board of Medical Faculty Udayana University, Head of the Working Faculty of Medicine and semi autonomous unit in the Faculty of Medicine Udayana University, the Head of the Committee reported that this health seminar is one of the six activities that go into Ajang Kreativitas Akbar 2017. The number of committees involved are the 67 people who came from a student in Public Health Study Program , He added that the participants who took part in a health seminar AKA 2017 consisted of high school / vocational equivalent students, and the general public. "On behalf of the committee, I hope that with this seminar the participants benefit the most so it will be able to revive the atmosphere of good health for people through cultural of K3 in the hospital" he said before closing the report.

The first speaker was dr. I Made Ady Wirawan, MPH, Ph.D., who discussed the K3 and professional development opportunities in the hospital. He who graduated from Australia and New Zealand explained in detail starting from the goal, K3RS legal aspect, scope, issues, to the opportunities the profession in the hospital. Then, the second speaker, Dr. Arya Warsaba Sthiraprana Duarsa, M.M, has chance brought his material. He is also the head of the HR Department of Sanglah Hospital focus on the discussion of health and safety in the hospital accreditation.

Enthusiasm - One of the Participants of the Seminar enthusiasm Providing Questions To Speakers in Discussion Session

At 11:20 pm, there was a pause for a lunch break with entertainment from students of Publich Healt Study Program. At 11:40 pm, the seminar participants were invited back to listen and discuss aspects of the K3 in nursing care. The last material was presented by I Gede Putu Darma Suyasa, SKp, MNg, PhD, a lecturer from STIKES Bali. He explained the principle umun nursing care, health problems related to the K3, up to effective communication as an important aspect of nursing care. In addition, he also described his experiences while working in Australia.

Health seminar ended at 13.00 pm. Over the course of the seminar AKA 2017's, Putu Gede Bangkyt Guna Suara, the Head of the Committee, expressed this gratitude to the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Vice Dean of Student Affairs Faculty of Medicine, Head of the Study Program, the Public Health Student Associations, steering committee, the speakers, sponsors, participants , as well as others that he could not mention one by one. " The highest award I give to all committees who has prepared this seminar" he added. (lie)