Seminar Orange Ekonomi, Membangun Daya Saing Berbasis Inovasi dan Potensi Lokal

On Friday, March 3th, 2017 Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University in cooperation with the Government and Bank Indonesia Denpasar and Orange Economy Seminar on the topic "Building Innovation and Competitiveness Based Local Potential" to celebrate the anniversary of Denpasar to 229. Seminar held in the Tirta Ganga Building of Bank Indonesia Bali Province followed by Udayana University faculty and students, young entrepreneurs, cultural and SKPD Denpasar. The event began with the speech  by Ibu Risma, the mayor of Surabaya, which was moderated by the Dean of the Faculty of Economic and Business of Udayana University, Mr. Mahaendrayasa. In her presentation Ms. Risma conveyed tips in advancing the economy of the community such as training the house wives into "Heroes Economy", provided training to the fishermen to increase their income, the use of organic fertilizer for chili farmers so it does not quickly decay, and permits can be performe through phone without having to come directly.


Rector of Udayana University, Prof. Dr. dr. Ketut Suastika, Sp.PD-KEMD in his speech, Orange Economy triggered by an ADB consultant concerning the concepts of creative economy and it hopes can be applied in Indonesia. Rector also said simple things can become an innovation, if it is accompanied by the commitment and integrity to advance the economy.

IB Rai Darmawijaya Mantra, which is The Mayor of Denpasar City before the opening ceremony expressed Orange Economy is a new thing. No attachment between creativity with culture which has the potential to improve competitiveness. Creative economy greatly needs to be developed so we need to know the steps taken. Cooperation between the academy and the government is essential to be able to realize this.

In this event, the speakers Prof Rhenald Kasali, Ph.D., which an economist who is also a Professor in the Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia and Prof. Wayan Ramantha of FEB Unud. (PR)