Taking Picture of Committee, Speakers, and Participants after the Architecture Seminar 2017

Denpasar - Sunday (2/26) “We are in the modern era and many foreign architects come to the countries including Indonesia. It is the interesting challenge that we have to face it. Then, we have to protect the Archipelago architecture; we have to develop as well as conserve the architectural heritage”, I Nyoman Widya Paramadhyaksa, one of the speakers in the Architecture Seminar 2017, stated. This seminar is organized by Udayana Architecture Students’ Association on Agrokomplek Building, Sudirman Campus.

It is an annual event which has been organized during last two years. “It is expected that this event can be carried out continuously. Furthermore, it can be increased to the National Seminar where this seminar can invite students in the whole region in Indonesia. It is because it can improve our knowledge about the architecture models in Indonesia from our friends who have the same profession. In addition, it can be increased to the International Seminar”, I Nyoman Widya Paramadhyaksa, S.T.M.T.PhD, the secretary of the Architecture Department stated when he was giving a speech.

Prof. Dr.Ir. Put Rumawan Salain, M.Si. was giving the material on the Architecture Seminar 2017

Even though this seminar has been carried out two times, it can be able to invite 240 participants namely University students, High School students, and society who are interested in architecture field. At this time, the Architecture Department in Udayana is one of the favorite departments. “It can be said that many people are interested in the Architecture Department. It can be seen from the number of students has increased every year. Besides providing knowledge about the architecture problematic in Indonesia to the participants, we also introduce about the material learned in the architecture, the scope of work for Architect and the introduction about department”, Mahendra Ananta, the chairman of the committee, stated.

Developments in Indonesia are not inexhaustible. It, actually, relates to the architecture field. The more modern of a nation, the greater the development. We do not know of how the land it becomes for twenty years in the future. That is the reality now. The theme of this event is “Blessings and Challenges of Architecture in the Modern Era”. From this theme, it is expected that academicians and practitioners are able to maintain the identity of the archipelago architecture by following a time that is constantly changing. The term “modern”, here, means modern in material.

“The identity of architecture has to be maintained although the modern architecture has developed in this time. An architecture critic stated that if the building in Indonesia used timber as the building material, when disaster happened, there are no many victims like disaster happened in Aceh. It is different with nowadays where many buildings used concrete; when disaster happened, there are many victims. It is because timber has a lighter capacity and can float though a few moments”, he added. (manik)