A Visit from Senior High School 3 Tangerang Regency

Friday, April 22nd, 2016 Udayana University received a visit from Senior High School 3 Tangerang Regency, where this visit was attended by 455 students and teachers. This visit aimed to introduce the students about matters relating to the college, where the information is very useful for students who will continue their study to a higher level. By visiting Udayana University, the students will be given some information such as the requirements for admission to college, which scholarship that can be obtained by the students, and also on a wide range of courses that are available in the university.

Udayana University itself greatly benefited with school visits like this, because this event can be used to do the promotion and dissemination of the Study Programs to the society, especially for students who wish to continue their education. Acceptance of this visit received at Widya Sabha Building, Udayana University. After the presentation by the head of Academic Administration Bureau Drs. Ketut Amoga Sidi, the event continued with a question and answers session then ended with a souvenir gift.

Photos of activities during the visit:




