A Visit of SMA Negeri 2 Situbondo

 Friday, April 15, 2016, Udayana University got a visit from SMAN 2 Situbondo, which was attended by 300 students and teachers. On this visit, SMA Negeri 2 Situbondo was welcomed by Agoes Hadi Birawan., SE (as Head of Registration) and Made Budiastrawan., S.Kom (as Staff of Academic). This visit is not the first visit, but it is the umpteenth visit of SMA Negeri 2 Situbondo. The desire to introduce the students of SMAN 2 Situbondo about the Udayana University got a very good response, as well as the students were very enthusiastic in asking questions relating to the Udayana University.

 Udayana University was greatly benefited with the school visits since it is as a means of promotion and socialization of Study Program to the community. This visit took place at Widya Sabha, Udayana University. After the explanation of Agoes Hadi Birawan., SE and Made Budiastrawan., S.Kom, then, the event was continued by conducting a question and answer session. The event was ended by the exchanging of mementos from each institution.

Here are some photos of activities during the visit held on Friday, April 15, 2016:





