Udayana University Holds Coretax Application Usage Training
Jimbaran - Udayana University (Unud) through the Bureau of Planning and Finance held a Coretax Application Usage Training at the Bangsa Room, Jimbaran Campus Rectorate Building, Thursday (13/3/2025). This training was opened by the Head of Bureau of Planning and Finance Drs. I Komang Teken by presenting speakers from the South Badung Pratama Tax Service Office (KPP). The speakers who attended were Young Expert Tax Counselor Lalu Mohamad Ramdi Wirasaputra, Account Representative Frasca Anggian Yovieta and Executor Nurfajril Wafita Ihza.
The Head of the Planning and Finance Bureau Drs. I Komang Teken in his speech said that this was the second meeting for BPPs related to the use of Coretax which in the previous activity was also attended by faculty leaders. In the meeting it was conveyed that we would ask Coretax managers in each unit and today they were invited to take part in Coretax usage training.
That Coretax is a new application related to PMK Number 81 of 2024, because this is indeed in order to integrate patterns related to tax payments and today participants will be given training.
The Head of the Planning and Finance Bureau hopes that participants can take the training seriously, and because this is an application, it may not take too long to understand the steps that will be guided by the speakers.
The speaker Lalu Mohamad Ramdi Wirasaputra in his material explained that it is indeed a necessity to update the application to Coretax, although until now it still needs improvement. In this Coretax application, authority will be given according to each role. Through this training, BPP will be encouraged to have a Coretax account. For those who get the role as Drafter, they can only make drafts and cannot make them until the proof of deduction is signed, so those who have the Signer role must issue and upload the invoice.