FGD on Management of Udayana University Hospital, Expected to Become a Health Service Center in South Bali

Denpasar - Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on the Management of Udayana University (Unud) Hospital took place in the Postgraduate Building Hall, Sudirman Campus, Denpasar, Monday (3/3/2025). This FGD presented three speakers, namely the Director of the University of Indonesia Hospital for the 2020-2024 period Dr. dr. Astuti Giantini, Sp.PK(K), MPH, Deputy Director of the Sebelas Maret University Hospital for the 2015-2024 period Prof. Tonang Dwi Ardyanto, dr., Sp.PK., Subsp.IK(K)., FISQua., CHAE, and the President Director of Hasanuddin University Hospital Prof. dr. Andi Muhammad Ichsan, Ph.D., Sp.M(K) with the moderator being the Head of the Academic Study Compilation Team for the Management of Unud Hospital Prof. Dr.dr. Anak Agung Wiradewi Lestari, S.Ked., Sp.PK(K). Present at the FGD were the Rector and Vice Rectors, Chairperson and Secretary of SPI, Heads of Bureaus, Deans and Vice Deans of the Faculty of Medicine, Director of Unud Hospital and staff, and the Unud Hospital Academic Review Team.

Rector of Unud Prof. I Ketut Sudarsana in his speech conveyed that in principle he hopes that Unud Hospital can become a center for health services in South Bali and also in Badung Regency considering its strategic location in a fairly busy tourist area. The human resources owned are also quite adequate and later the review team can submit their report regarding the academic study of the management of this hospital where the conditions in the last three years have tended to decline both in terms of income and services.

Therefore, the FGD was held to follow up on the activities carried out by the Hospital Management Academic Review Team with the hope of getting sharing from the management of Hospitals at the University of Indonesia, Sebelas Maret University, and Hasanuddin University so that they have a more complete picture in making decisions regarding the management of this hospital.

"We really hope that from this discussion we will get the best solutions that may be suitable for us to implement in our Udayana University Hospital," said the Rector of Unud. 

So that the hope is that in addition to being a service center in the southern part of Bali Province as well as in the southern part of Badung, Unud Hospital is also expected to be one of the University's income generators in supporting the educational business process at Udayana University.

The Head of the Academic Study Compilation Team for the Management of Unud Hospital, Prof. Anak Agung Wiradewi Lestari, added that the FGD on Unud Hospital was to listen to good practices or experiences of the speakers who were present during the management of the Hospital in their respective institutions. We at Unud are currently conducting a study on Unud Hospital which can later be used as material for leaders on how to develop Unud Hospital so that it can follow developments such as hospitals at the University of Indonesia, Sebelas Maret University, and Hasanuddin University.