Series of Pradiksar, Diklatsar, Lapantarpos and Service Courses for Ugracena Student Regiment Staff Class XXXIX Opened by the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs at Udayana University

Badung - Opening of the 2025 Pradiksar, Diklatsar, Lapantrapos and Ugracena Bali Student Regiment Staff Service Courses Batch XXXIX at the Bangsal Struggle Monument Area, Monday (17/2/2025). This activity was opened by the Vice Rector for Student Affairs, Prof. Gusti Ngurah Alit Susanta Wirya representing the Rector of Udayana University (Unud) was marked by beating a clapper.

Training Commander Nanih Suryanih in his report expressed his thanks to the Rector of Unud for all the support in every step of developing knowledge, discipline, physical and mental attitude and national insight for the participants so they were able to implement the Tridharma of Higher Education. As a first step towards a series of basic education and staff development courses, and training which will be held from 17 to 22 February, Menwa Ugracena has been involved in the unfurling of the Red and White Flag from the Panji Sakti Monument to Point 8 of the Singaraja Short Cut on Saturday 15 February 2025 which was attended by a number of elements of the National Group in Bali Province.

This activity was an initial breakthrough to increase the spirit of nationalism and the spirit of defending the country for the younger brothers and sisters of the Menwa Ugracena candidates. This activity also involved trainers from Kodam IX Udayana, Brimob Polda Bali, Basarnas Bali, Widyaiswara Bali Province and other sources.

Chairman of Bangsal Struggle Monument, Dr. Bagus Ngurah Putu Arhana, Sp.A(K) in Sekapur Sirih said that his party as the host hopes that the activities carried out will run well, the spirit of nationalism which is the spirit of this National Gugus will run well.

Member of Commission IX DPR RI, Tutik Kusuma Wardhani, who was also present on this occasion, in his speech said that this activity was extraordinary because it was in the hands of Menwa's younger brothers and sisters who would make this nation a strong nation, a resilient nation for the future, united with society to carry out the noble tasks expected by the state. The hope is that we can continue the struggle of the nation's founders and instill a red and white spirit in our hearts, awakening a spirit of loyalty and loyalty to our country, the Republic of Indonesia.

Meanwhile, the Rector of Udayana University, in his speech read by the Vice Rector for Student Affairs, said that as a form of manifestation of developing knowledge, discipline, physical and mental attitudes, as well as a national perspective so that Menwa members are able to implement the Tri Dharma of Higher Education and instill leadership, the Ugracena Menwa Corps consistently carries out a series of Basic Education and Staff Service Courses independently and independently together, which is attended by Menwa from various universities. Therefore, it is hoped that Menwa Ugracena's younger siblings, especially those who will carry out this education, can play an active role in national defense activities, especially in their respective tertiary institutions and in society in general.

It is hoped that this synergy can continue consistently and hopefully the values ​​instilled in every educational activity can be useful for the new generation of Indonesia which will certainly make the younger generation love their homeland even more.