BEM of Udayana University and UKM Udayana Focus Hold 2024 Udayana Multimedia Workshop

Denpasar – Vice Rector for Student Affairs at Udayana University, Prof. I Ketut Sudarsana, officially opened the 2024 Udayana Multimedia Workshop activities organized by the Udayana University Student Executive Board (BEM) in collaboration with the Udayana Focus Student Activity Unit (UKM). This event took place at the Living World Denpasar Amphitheater, Saturday (07/09/2024).

In his speech, Prof. Sudarsana emphasized the importance of mastering multimedia skills in the ever-growing digital era. He stated that this workshop was a valuable opportunity for students to hone multimedia skills which are very necessary in today's professional world. This activity will not only broaden your knowledge but also provide useful practical experience.

Prof. Sudarsana also expressed his support for the BEM and UKM Udayana Focus initiatives in holding this workshop. He hopes that this event will facilitate useful learning and open up opportunities for participants to interact with experts in the multimedia field.

The 2024 Udayana Multimedia Workshop will take place for two days from 7-8 September 2024. This event is expected to make a significant contribution to the development of multimedia skills of Udayana University students.